Smartphone Apps for Survival Paperback Now Available

About two months ago, I released the second edition Kindle version of my 27 Crucial Smartphone Apps for Survival book. Today, I’m happy to share with you the paperback version for those who prefer a hard copy edition.

I won’t rehash too many details expect to say that the book is an easy, fast read. And it’s well worth a look if you’d like to discover how to use your smartphone for something other than playing silly video games and mindlessly surfing social media for anything of interest. Hint: there isn’t anything of interest on social media!

Anyway, the book covers 27 apps that I believe every prepper should have on their phones and, to a lesser extent, family members, too. The good news is that every app I recommend is free (or has a free alternative) so you don’t have to pay any more than the cost of the book. That said, I believe that there might be one Apple Store app which costs money if you want it.

For what it’s worth, the second edition was completely rewritten from start to finish (expect for a bit of the introduction) as I felt my advice for smartphone survival apps from seven years ago was simply too outdated to amend. Thankfully, it was a fun exercise for me since I got my own phones straight again, and a useful one for you because I show you precisely how to set up each app so your phone can be ready starting today!

Get your paperback copy of 27 Crucial Smartphone Apps for Survival and start your preparedness journey the right way.


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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