There are an abundance of articles online that provide you with critically important tips on carrying a firearm. But far fewer of those articles cover how to properly carry or use your firearms in the event of a grid down disaster.
Fortunately, that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today. Here are the top three considerations for carrying a firearm during a grid down disaster:
1 – Conceal Carry A Handgun
Carrying a handgun on your person is wise so that you always have a defensive firearm within quick and easy access. That is, you shouldn’t have to run into your house or car to grab a gun if you are ever attacked by looters or criminals during a disaster.
Instead, you should be able to draw your pistol or revolver right away to engage your attackers the moment they attack!
At the same time, the last thing you want to do during a disaster is to draw attention to yourself, whether it be from law enforcement or by other people. This is why it is crucial to keep that firearm concealed on your person.
Therefore, you’ll want to invest in a high quality concealed carry holster and to carry at least one spare magazine with you as well. Even if you don’t have to reload due to running out of ammunition, the number one cause of failures in a semi-automatic weapon is due to an issue with the magazine rather than the weapon itself, so packing a spare magazine or two is always a smart call.
2 – Keep A Rifle or Shotgun Within Easy Access
A handgun may be a great self-defense tool, but it’s still not as effective as a rifle or a shotgun in certain situations. It just isn’t. Handguns don’t have as much stopping power or velocity, and they lack the range of a rifle, in particular. If your home or property comes under attack by multiple assailants, defense will almost always be easier with a long gun than it is with a handgun.
If anything, handguns are either backup weapons when all other options have been expended or weapons that you use until you can get to your main weapon, and they should be treated as such.
This is why you want to also keep a rifle or shotgun within easy access. No, you don’t want it to be out in the open, but you want it to be somewhere that you can reach it quickly, such behind the front door of your home or in your car. [Editor’s note: follow all state and local laws regarding proper storage.]
3 – Keep The Rest of Your Guns Hidden
Do you want to know what a real possibility will be during a grid down disaster? That’s right: the government declaring martial law, even if not officially in name.
Martial law simply means that the Constitution and all regular laws will be suspended as the government takes direct control via the military and law enforcement. All of the rights that you’re accustomed to having, from free speech to a right to privacy to the right to keep and bear arms, will be treated as if they never existed.
In an effort to control the population, the government will be going door to door confiscating firearms. It’s what happened during Hurricane Katrina, even though martial law was not formally declared.
In order to keep as many of your guns as possible, you’ll need to get very creative about hiding them. A gun safe won’t be good enough because it will be the very first place confiscators go to look, so you’ll need to hide them around your house instead or, better yet, completely off site.
Contrary to what many folks think, it’s not necessarily like people are going to be walking around with a pistol on their hip and a rifle slung over their shoulder when the grid goes down. On the contrary, you’ll want to be very careful about how you go about carrying a firearm during a disaster.
And remember: just because the grid has gone down doesn’t mean that the laws will no longer be enforced. Be sure to comply with laws regarding storage, concealed carry, and defensive use of a firearm in your area even after the grid has gone down because people have been and will be prosecuted when society does return to normalcy.
[Note: this was a guest post.]
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