The (Unexpected) Problems With FEMA Camps

I’d suggest there are many potential problems with FEMA camps but some of these are new (and unexpected) to me; FYI, there’s some swearing involved so cover up little ears if need be. Of course, I couldn’t agree more with his statements that “FEMA camps aren’t a plan!” You really do need to make plans to care for yourself and your family now, while you still can do so…


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2 responses to “The (Unexpected) Problems With FEMA Camps”

  1. Rev. Dr. Michael E. Harris

    FEMA does some good–they sponsor the Citizens Corps, which supports the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program among others. They have great online training programs; the later ones are best.

    That said, they tend to suck at the rest.

    1. The point wasn’t that FEMA did no good at all, they do help people in need eventually, it’s the FEMA camps that are the potential problem.

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