Winter Boot Hack (to avoid slips and falls on ice)

Winter is coming and that means icy roadways and driveways, both of which could wind you up in the hospital if you’re not careful. Worse, if it’s SHTF and there are NO doctors to help then you could be out of luck for weeks or longer. Don’t let that happen to you!

Here’s a nifty shoe or boot hack that may be just enough to keep you from slipping and falling on icy roadways, especially if you can use an old pair of rubber boots you don’t mind sacrificing for this purpose. He says you really DO need to pay special attention to the style of screw you use because apparently 1/4″ flat head socket screws are ideal.

And be sure to watch five or six minutes into the video to see just how much of a difference this simply boot hack makes…

My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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