Your Water Supply is Vulnerable! Here’s What to Do About It…

This is a long video, but worth watching. Like the video starts out saying, water is a boring topic, until you don’t have any. And then it’s instantly the most important resource you could imagine! (Besides oxygen, I guess.)

The sad truth is that we’re so accustomed to having clean, fresh, abundant water that we rarely give it a second thought. We turn the tap and expect there to be a steady flow that we can drink, flush down the toilet, and water our lawns with. And it is so cheap relative to how necessary (and useful) water is that it’s silly how neglectful we treat a most precious resource. But we’ll learn our lessons one way or another.

What I want for you is to not have to learn that less the hard way. Get on board with treating water like the precious resource that it is and you’ll be glad you did if/when the time comes that you don’t have any. Here’s what to do about it from a prepping perspective…


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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