17 Great Ways to Utilize 2-Liter Soda Bottles for Survival


I’ll admit it, I’m a huge fan of the ubiquitous 2-liter soda bottles. And like 5-gallon buckets, I think they’re far too under-utilized by preppers. In fact, 2-liter soda bottles can be used in a variety of ways and I would imagine I’m only grazing the surface here. The best part is that they’re 100% free. Here’s 17 ways I think you can re-purpose a simple 2-liter soda bottle, enjoy…

  1. Block of ice – I’d imagine many of you expect to keep your refrigerated food viable for longer using ice in coolers. You can easily accomplish this by freezing water in 2-liter soda bottles creating a nice block of ice. Just be sure to fill it about 90% full to avoid bursting the soda bottle since water expands as it freezes.
  2. Emergency drinking water – When that block of ice melts, you now have a portable source of potable drinking water. I would suggest you clean the bottle first with soap and water and then simply fill it with tap water. Of course, you don’t have to freeze water stored in 2-liter soda bottles but it’s a nice benefit. Beyond that, they’re FDA-approved, shouldn’t degrade, and very durable. It’s a win-win.
  3. SODIS – Now, when they’re no longer a viable block of ice and you’ve consumed the water inside, you can still make use of 2-liter soda bottles to disinfect any collected water using the SODIS method. Granted, there are some considerations, such as the bottle must be clear for this to work, but I’m positive you’ll love these bottles even more once you learn how. 🙂
  4. Food storage (short term) – I’ve seen many people suggest that you can easily store food in a 2-liter bottle (video) and while I agree, it’s not a 100% perfect solution and shouldn’t be considered viable for long-term foods. That said, could you easily store bulk foods for years on end without trouble? Sure. I wouldn’t worry too much about it at all.
  5. Fruit fly and wasp trap – We’ve used 2-liter soda bottles for years as a very successful gnat and fruit fly trap inside the house. You can also use them to trap wasps (video) as well. And read this article on how to get rid of all types of flies if you need more help.
  6. Hand washing station – You can easily makeshift a hand washing station by hanging a 2-liter soda bottle upside-down and unscrewing the cap ever-so-slightly such that a trickle of water escapes thereby allowing you to wash your hands and conserve water.
  7. Fish trap – Though I’ve never tried this one, apparently you can create a makeshift fish trap too.
  8. Water filter – Create your own biosand filter (video) in nearly any container, including a 2-liter soda bottle. Just pile the appropriate amounts of gravel, activated charcoal, and sand and you’ll have a viable makeshift water filter in no time! Well, you do have to wait a week or two for the biolayer to form but, hey, who’s counting?
  9. Mini greenhouse – If you’re trying to get your plants started in the spring but are unsure about the weather, you can cut the bottom off a 2-liter soda bottle and help to protect vulnerable plants.
  10. Upside-down planter – Bored with growing your plants right-side up? No problem! Flip it around like this (video).
  11. Self-watering container – Similar to grow buckets, you can make your own self-watering mini-grow bucket using a 2-liter soda bottle.
  12. Drip irrigation – Here’s something else I’ve never tried but I hear you can make your own drip irrigation system.
  13. Boil water – Here’s something else I’ve never actually tried but apparently you can suspend a bottle of water over a campfire and boil water so long as the flames don’t lick the bottle. I’ve also heard that you can actually put a completely full bottle of water (with the cap on) in a campfire and not melt the bottle… that remains to be tested.
  14. Water bailer / scoop– Again, cut the bottom off and now you have a water bailer or. You could also cut it at an angle and turn that same water bottle into a makeshift scoop for grains or whatever you like.
  15. Makeshift funnel – As with the above suggestion, cut the bottom off but remove the cap and you have a nice, free, funnel.
  16. Makeshift pillow – I know this is stretching it a bit but you could rest a weary head atop an inflated soda bottle. I know it’s not a comfy down pillow but it sure beats a hard rock. 🙂
  17. Emergency floating device – Tie a few of these together (inflated and with the caps) and you’ve got a makeshift floatation device.

So, what uses can you think of? I would love to hear them!


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7 responses to “17 Great Ways to Utilize 2-Liter Soda Bottles for Survival”

  1. Ready Down Under

    Great for long term storage of ammo underground. The neck of the bottle will take almost any size ammo so fill it up (or put in as many rounds as you wish to cache), run a little silicone around inside the cap as extra insurance and bury it. About 18 inches underground is about right in all but the very hottest and coldest of climates.

    1. Never thought about using one as a small cache… thanks!

  2. robb moffett

    101 Amazing Ways to to reuse plastic PET Soda or water Bottles

  3. Son of Liberty

    Back in the early ’70’s I had an old cowboy (literally) show me he could boil water in a paper bag. Amazing!

  4. Sam Montgomery

    Two or three feet of fishing line a hook and somethin’ stinky and you got a way to catch fish……without sitting and waiting on that Bite!!!

  5. Templar

    One-time firearm suppressor.

  6. John R

    I lost a bet once in that someone bet me he could fill a paper cup with water, and I couldn’t burn the cup with a blow torch. He won. The cup will not burn as long as there is water in it.

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