When it comes to shooting guns, more and more people are opting to spend time at a shooting range rather than going out hunting.
Little do they know that hunting not only gives you the same adrenaline rush that you would get at a gun range, but you will also get additional benefits that will enhance your entire experience.
Whether you are a new gun owner or have been visiting the range or a significant period, below are some of the reasons why you should try hunting this year.
1. Hunting is great exercise

At the range, the only exercise you get is toting your gun, as your targets are stationary. If you are looking to get fit or simply want to stay healthy, you should consider taking up hunting. The process of hunting is not merely about making a kill. You need to stalk your prey and this can take several hours.
As a result, you get to walk around in the outdoors, which exercises your body and you get some fresh air too! Moreover, if you are hunting big game like deer, you also get a cardio workout as you lug your prize back to your vehicle.
2. Hunting promotes conservation

A little known fact about hunting is that it’s actually good for the environment. What people do not realise is that taxes paid on ammunition and firearms are used to fund the preservation of the environment, which works to ensure the game animals do not go extinct.
In addition to this, hunters also have to pay licensing fees and part of this money is also funnelled into conservation efforts. Therefore, if you take up hunting as a sport rather than going to the range, you will be playing a role in conserving the environment.
3. Hunting benefits the species

A lot is talked about dwindling numbers of certain species of animals, thus many people are aware that some animals are at risk of extinction. However, the flip side of the coin is overpopulation, and not many people are mindful of the fact that this could also be a threat to animals.
If a certain species is overpopulated, chances are they will not have sufficient resources to sustain them. As a result, they begin to die off due to malnutrition, disease and starvation. With hunting, large animal population are managed to ensure that the entire colony survives.
Additionally, hunting sites are usually sectioned off, which leads to proper management of game population.
4. Hunting boosts family bonding

A great thing about hunting is that it is a sport you can enjoy with your family. Using proper safety equipment when hunting is paramount, whether you are an adult or a child. However, with the kids it is important they are always supervised during your hunting trips.
In this day and age where electronics have taken over as kids’ primary form of entertainment, engaging in hunting is a practical way of getting your children outdoors while also making time to bond with them.
Through hunting, they can learn various life skills including self-reliance, hand-eye coordination and more.
5. Hunting provides a sustainable food source
If you live in close proximity to hunting grounds, you may never have to buy meat again! Hunting game is a sustainable practice, which not only provides you with entertainment but you also get to put food on your table.
Moreover, the way you get the meat is more sustainable to the earth when compared to commercial breeding and slaughter of animals.
It may be more cumbersome to go in search or you meat when compared to simply walking into a supermarket, but this just makes it more rewarding once you see the catch of the day ready to eat!
6. Game meat is healthy

Another reason why you should consider taking up hunting rather than being confined to a shooting range is the health benefits that game meat provides you with.
Firstly, with game meat you can be assured that your food is not genetically modified. Not only has the animal grown free range all its life, it has also been feeding on organic food all its life too!
Secondly, with game meat, you do not have to worry about any antibiotics or hormonal treatment that the animal may have been exposed to, which ensures that its meat is toxin free.
Lastly, game meat tends to be much higher in protein than the meat got from commercially bred animals.
Even if you hunt with larger calibers like the .357, the meat is relatively easy to dress and store for later consumption.
Overall, eating game meat gives you the assurance that your food is much healthier than what you will but from your local supermarket.
7. Hunting is a stress reliever

In this day and age, many people are finding it harder to get some time to themselves as they are inundated with numerous responsibilities ranging from their professional life, home life and social life.
If you are looking for a way to disconnect from the world, albeit for just a few hours, you should consider hunting.
Going hunting on your own gives you the chance to leave all trappings of the modern world at home or in your car, giving you the chance to be one with nature. In addition to this, hunting can also decrease the physical manifestation of stress in your body.
For instance, walking through the woods as you search for prey helps in boosting blood circulation.
Secondly, the fresh air in the woods also works to decrease your anxiety and lower your blood pressure.
8. Hunting is family tradition

If you do not have any particular traditions that you observe with your family, you may want to take up hunting as a family activity! With hunting as a family tradition, you and your loved ones will always have something to look forward to.
You can then decide whether this would be a monthly, bi-annual or even annual activity that you are all a part of. The excitement of planning a hunting trip as well as the memories that you all make during the trip would last you and your loved ones a lifetime.
Moreover, when your children grow up, they could also pass this one to the next generation!
Big game hunting also gives you the chance to collect souvenirs and mementos from your hunting trips that can be preserved through the process of taxidermy.
A final word
Going to the shooting range may be a covenant option for many people since these places provide you with a controlled environment to hone your shooting skills.
However, the exhilaration of hunting a wild animal and making accurate shots without having any control of the wind and other external factors is much more exciting.
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