How Do You Really Know When You’re in the Middle of a Collapse?

This is a legitimate question–and I’m not saying I have an answer–but I truly feel that we’re in the middle of some sort of nationwide, or maybe even worldwide, collapse. But how do I know we’re going to collapse? The truth is, I don’t know for sure.

Sure, I could cite the U.S. Debt Clock website which shows (to an alarming level) just how ridiculous our country’s financials are, though this chart is a more interesting way to look at the national debt and shows just how bad it’s become over the past handful of decades alone.

I could point out that we’ve been spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we don’t have for a variety of reasons related to COVID, and that we’ll likely pass the $3.5 trillion spending bill (or something relatively close to it) that congress is supposedly fighting over right now. Honestly, I don’t even bother to keep track of congressional financial stupidity anymore.

I could mention that there are millions of unemployed Americans yet millions more job openings, which shouldn’t make sense until you realize the government incentivizes people not to work.

How about inflation? Even the government can’t keep the “official” inflation rates down, citing 5% of more each month since May of this year. But you don’t have to be an economist to know those numbers are B.S. for a variety of reasons. And that’s to say nothing of hidden inflation costs, such as a bag of chips getting smaller yet costing the same or more; I’ve been noticing that more and more lately.

There’s talk of secession again, but this time a majority of Americans say they want it, not just Texas or northern California…perhaps the “State of Jefferson” will become a reality, after all. But I truly don’t see how a cordial separation by political ideology could take place seeing as though conservatives are largely flanked by coastal liberals; that’s a recipe for disaster, if you ask me.

And then there’s the political/ideological divide due to BLM and COVID, which is still rearing it’s ugly head with never-ending mask mandates along with a genuine concern that we’re trending toward a totalitarian police state when that’s never what America is intended to be…you know, “the land of the free” thing.

But this could all be me looking for reasons to decide we’re falling apart at the seams. It could be that the pandemic lifts, people get back to work, and we manage to kick the can of debt down the road for decades somehow. Maybe, but I just don’t see how that’s possible given all that’s taken place the past two years and, sadly, what I expect to take place going forward.

After all, and I’m trying not to get political here, I don’t see the current administration doing anything positive to grow the economy or instill confidence that America is “on the right track” in any meaningful way. Do you?

Moreover, we all know that governments tend not to let go of power once they have, and I can’t think of a time when government had more power than they do now. Can you? Was wartime (especially WW2) this authoritarian? I would really like to know. At some point, I would think that people are going to “wake up” and say they’ve had enough of this, but I’m beginning to lose faith in even that.

Truth be told, I really believe that, so long as people are fed and entertained, they’ll accept almost anything. And that’s what worries me. I worry that we’ve lost track of what America is really about and why this country is so special. It’s why I believe we’re headed for collapse.

The way I see it, we’re not entirely collapsing because of debt, though it is a huge problem, or even because of COVID or a difference in political ideology. We’re collapsing because we’ve lost our identity as a nation. We no longer believe in “Untied We Stand, Divided We Fall,” which is why we’re ultimately doomed as a nation. It’s why I believe we’re in the middle of a collapse, and that there’s little the average citizen, like you and I, can do about it except to prepare ourselves now.

I don’t like being so doom and gloom, not at all. To believe that “all is lost” really sucks. But I also feel that we, as preppers, need to ride this one out so that like-minded patriots can be around to truly “build back better” as the elites like to say. I don’t have all the answers, and I can’t predict the future, but I can say one thing for certain: those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail. And failing to prepare for the coming collapse could be the biggest mistake you’ll ever make.

God Bless all of us.


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


2 responses to “How Do You Really Know When You’re in the Middle of a Collapse?”

  1. Irish-7

    The future looks bleak, no matter how you view it! We are more divided now than in any point in my lifetime. (I’m am pushing 60, so I lived through the civil strife of the 1960s). I frequently cite the 1958 book The Naked Communist, where an FBI agent turned a high level KGB operative. There was a list of goals that the Soviet Union had in order to conquer America from within. It is uncanny how our Liberals supported our enemies nefarious plans! I see the media as the biggest problem, as the Left controls the flow of information. Too many United States citizens will not catch on until it is too late!

  2. Frank

    The liberals seem to act tough as long as they have power and control over the government and they can pass mandates and push legislation of every kind through without Republicans or even public support.

    If we were to have a civil war or succession event, they would not have control since their jurisdiction would be null and void. Of course they might try to hold others hostage by asking corporations to give them priority or to increase or decrease manufacturing, employees or salaries. They could out of spite implement means to deny non-liberals, Constitutionalists, colonialists, Trumpeteers, Red states or conservative Republicans services, bank loans and services, and so on.

    Then again, Conservatives can also boycott liberal and woke businesses, banks, etc., and essentially “cancel” them. Thus we can fight back and chose not to deal with or sell our country to foreign powers. We can refuse service or to engage in business with them. Even though being divided would make us weaker, we would have what would amount to a “veto” power as the balance of power would be shifted away from their one party rule.

    I’d like to think that while the liberals work to reset America, the other side would build itself to be more self reliant and independent and not allow China or Russia to steal our country bit by bit and we would not buy energy (coal, petroleum, etc.) or electronics and medical products from another country like idiots.

    Like I said in the beginning, liberals are cowards and in a civil war they’d hide behind law enforcement and the military, but if that shield is not there for them then they’d have to run and hide or learn to play nice. It would be an entirely different scenario. And they’d have to rely on their politicians and each other and that would probably not work out too well for them being anti-gun, anti-self reliance, anti-prepping and anti-hard work or productivity.

    So we can’t work, travel or enter certain buildings unless vaccinated, and we have to accept liberal agendas and ideas or be fired, harassed and ostracized. We can’t move about freely, there are shortages, food production has been halted, supply lines are halted, medical services have been restricted and prices are climbing. And this is all the result of Democratic actions. So with all this, we might be better off if we fight back and separate from the liberal socialist and let them screw up their own lives. Maybe then some will realize socialism doesn’t work and living under fascist rule is never better than a Democratic Republic guided by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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