EMP Aftermath. Could You Get Home?

The scenario the video below discusses is that of an EMP strike and returning home after a short domestic flight. Of course, you probably don’t know what’s happened, but all electronics quite working (including your smartphone) and you don’t have the luxury of a bug out bag.

That said, they packed more survival gear in their carry-on than I would’ve assumed the TSA would let you get away with. But I do like the idea of purposely packing small survival-related, such as a bivvy and a spare change of clothing, especially socks and a beanie, in your carry-on for just such an occasion. Personally, packing such gear feels a bit like “cheating” in this mock scenario, but some of us preppers might suggest they’re choosing to be prepared, even while flying. I say kudos to them! Personally, I don’t do this because we typically take far more crap than I want to carry as it is.

Granted, there’s plenty missing from their carry-on, including firearms and water, both of which could be crucial in a world-just-ended scenario. And there’s something to be said for them being relatively close to home such that they could walk back, which makes me wonder why they would fly in the first place. If I’m that close, I’m more likely to drive. A more likely situation—from my experience—is returning home from a long distance away, such as across the country…yikes!

Anyway, it’s an interesting exercise, nonetheless. The question is: What would you do if you faced such a scenario? What if it were only you, and you didn’t have safety in numbers, like they do in the video? And just how prepared would YOU be if you were confronted with a similar scenario? It doesn’t have to be a short flight, as even a trip across town can be highly problematic. Do you have supplies in your vehicle? Maybe a get home bag for your spouse or yourself?

Thinking these things through, no matter whether it’s world-ending, like an EMP, or something more localized, can make an enormous difference. It’s not just about survival, though that goal is important, but also about keeping your sanity as well. Watch the following video and tell me what you think of their advice. Is it spot on or missing something?


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


2 responses to “EMP Aftermath. Could You Get Home?”

  1. Frank

    I saw that video and honestly, to be blunt, it was misleading and strayed off the scenario or situation they claimed it represented. I like the channel and the guys on it, but the video and title were mismatched as things went astray.

    If you are away from home, out of town or farther then you may find yourself completely unarmed, no belt knife or machete and without propane canisters or lighter fluid and other such items which may be restricted and/or you’re just not able to carry in a backpack and you do not have your “bug out” vehicle.

    My thoughts on the subject are to first find out or try to “guesstimate” what has happened and how you will stay alive at the moment and for the next few days or weeks until you get home. As events unfold, you may have to change your plans or strategy. You might have to make an immediate evacuation or hunker down for a time. You will need to stay fed, clean, fairly comfortable and safe. You are without kit, so that means getting supplies and gear and getting transportation if possible.

    Personally, if I had to travel and it was to the same location/s, I’d try to keep some gear and supplies stored away and maybe another vehicle or at least a bicycle or kayak. You can haul a kayak or canoe with a bicycle or electric bike and certainly a motorcycle.

    Jason basically talked about avoiding good spots for an ambush and where to quickly hide or setup a camp. That was it. I found this particular video of little use or value. They can’t all be great videos, but this one fell apart.

  2. Good preview thoughts on video.

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