I couldn’t agree more with the following video assessment. We’re being lied to, and the sad fact is that most people still aren’t paying enough attention. Stop screwing around. It’s time to prepare now or you’ll be left behind…

America’s Economy is Collapsing… Please Prepare Now!
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7 responses to “America’s Economy is Collapsing… Please Prepare Now!”
OUR COUNTRY, the HERE, the NOW, the FUTURE, should be our biggest CONCERN!!!
WORRIED AS HELL is more like it!!! Learning to be self MORE SELF SUFFICIENT as DAMIAN BRINDLE teaches.
(NO I’m not being paid or compensated, in any way for my response.)
I DO have a heart for OTHER countries.
At the end of the day…….who will HELP US? Ive
Without typing pages here, I have come to notice that way too many people blame many of our economic troubles to the “pandemic” and the war between Russia and the Ukraine.
The reality is that Biden and the liberal or woke Democrats only serve to promote liberal agendas and ideologies. Human suffering is of no concern and such things as patriotism, being productive and having freedom of choice are all being promoted as evil behavior of the evil Republicans, conservatives and even “white people”.
They promote racism, prejudice, laziness, leniency for the worst criminals, and they target those who have different ideas through social media and now as we have all seen with the January 6th “insurrection” they will even unjustly detain people and they relish the pain the cause anyone who is not following the woke agendas.
I see too many people thinking investing in crypto and applying smart strategies will keep them in good financial standing. They fail to realize that all their money won’t help them if their is no food to buy, no car parts, no hardware store supplies and many people are pushed into poverty. They don’t seem to recognize all the Democrat created failure mechanisms. Everything is a result of disease, war or weather.
I try to open people’s eyes to the reality that only by practicing and promoting self reliance and by preparing as best as we all can, despite our traitorous politicians attempts to make that nearly impossible, will we have any chance to survive the future. While politicians and their elitist friends build bunkers and stock up on supplies and build themselves the ultimate safe havens or “bug out” locations we have to struggle to prepare ourselves while struggling just to make it through our daily lives.
If this were the 1700’s all the “swamp rats” would have been removed from office and prosecuted…. maybe tarred and feathered.
1. Biden on the first day stopped oil flow, increased the number and severity of all oil and gas drilling regulations and later announced future closing of established oil lines.
2. Inflation is at a forty year high. The govt is spending money by the trillions and people are rewarded for not working. The more money they print, the higher inflation. Simple economic basic concept. Gas, food, utilities are a must. If you have 9% inflation and rising every month, how are we going to meet the bills?
3. The economy is shrinking at the same time. No sound practices of economy are being practiced.
4. Covid budgeted money has been diverted to teaching CRT, transgender issues and socialism in our public schools while the Dems and Biden push for more “much needed” Covid money. They invoke fear to get more Covid money while on the side diverting it to schools for nefarious programs.
5. Pres Clinton’s chief treasury secretary stated,” this $1.9T extra spending is the least responsible macroeconomic policy we’ve had in forty years.” That’s a Dem speaking. They are worried.-
You got it right. Our problems were created by liberal socialist, greedy politicians and power hungry elitist types like George Soros and Bill Gates. Biden, Pelosi, Obama, the two Clintons and others are all out to grab power and change America. They don’t solve problems, but promote agendas.
They have artificially created all our current problems like shortages (car parts, houses, food, oil, coal, ammunition) and inflation through money printing, reducing the working population and disrupting supply chains. And open borders only make things worse.
Crime is up because of coddling criminals and persecuting the victims, defunding the police and pushing gun control and “gun free zones”.
Businesses and careers have been ruined due to the “pandemic” and disrupted supply chains, the BLM riots, online assaults by social media crusaders and woke companies.
Education is suffering and yet taxes are used to pay for CRT training.
We can produce our own oil and grow our own food, but politicians believe America should “go green” while other countries hoard and produce and pollute. But stupid people blame the war between Russia and the Ukraine for gas prices.
So Biden is responsible for the economic crisis in Colombo, Europe and England. Just to name a few, I assume Biden is responsible for pilot shortages and also the drought and forest fires. You guys are talking nuts.
Look at the world economic situation.-
Is this a political site or informational. I JUST found it (via AMAZON) and am disheartened by all of the “blame game” going on in the few posts I’ve seen.
I’m not interested in politics (on this site). If it’s all political, I’ll find another resource…
I know it’s difficult to believe that who you voted for could be destroying this country. Regardless, the end is nigh. Prepare yourself which you still can.
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