Are Backyard Chickens Worth It?

One of these days I’m going to get myself some chickens, if for nothing else than being more prepared for shortages at the grocery store. But, what if you’re only in it for the money? Are you really saving anything by raising your own chickens or would you simply be better off continuing to purchase eggs at the store? Well, the following video breaks down the math to find out if/when owning chickens is no longer profitable. Also, if you despise math then you should skip this one…




My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


2 responses to “Are Backyard Chickens Worth It?”

  1. bill roepka

    Thank you. That was eye opening and well worth watching. A little warped on the dozen egg cost. Here we get a dozen eggs at the grocery store for $1.50 a dozen. That being said, I don’t see chickens ever being profitable over 2 years. Excellent video though.

    1. Depends on what type of eggs you buy. I think we pay closer to $3 per dozen because my wife likes those extra special “free range” chickens, lol.

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