Boots on the Ground

I don’t pay attention to nearly any YouTuber preppers these days, but one that I recently began listening to again is SouthernPrepper1. He’s been prepping for decades and has had a YouTube channel for a long time. The man is level-headed, kind, and clearly knows what he’s doing. Aside from his many preparedness videos, he’s also been doing a “boots on the ground” series where he reads emails that people from around the country send him, and I believe he does it each and every day.

Sometimes the information feels dire, in that they’re discussing topics like rising food prices and shortages, but it’s also good information to know because it will help you to know what’s going on from people just like you. After all, we sometimes live in our own little bubble, which makes it easy to become complacent. At the very least, it’s nice to know there are many other folks out there who see the world the way you and I do. 🙂

Here is his most recent “boots on the ground” video from yesterday, Sunday, but if you subscribe to his channel then you should be notified of each new video:

Although he rarely interjects or comments, I feel this is a good series for you to pay attention to because it’s akin to an early warning system for preppers, if you will.

Hope you enjoy it!


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


2 responses to “Boots on the Ground”

  1. thisismyname

    SP1 is great! I also watch his boots on the ground videos. It is most interesting to hear where people are emailing him from–some are near me! It helps me know there are other preppers near me, and it helps me know what is going on in my own state that I might not have noticed.

  2. Frank

    I think it’s stupid not to watch a few YouTube channels. There are a few excellent people that teach you how to survive outdoors and how to deal with all kinds of issues.

    The one thing unique to survivalists or preppers is that they practice or learn about all types of survival. They’re homesteaders, hunters, trappers, foragers, herbalists, hikers, campers, bush crafters, and even gardeners, ranchers or blacksmiths.

    Preppers survive by knowledge and skills.

    We all practice emergency preparedness because we all need it and we experience blackouts, bad weather and such things as riots or other potentially threatening situations. These threats are more common so they can’t be overlooked.

    I follow a few people because they teach vital skills and provide knowledge that fills in gaps and answers questions about how to do things and how to utilize tools and gear.

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