Category: Defense / Security / Safety
How to Make a DIY “Hidden” Coffee Can Diversion Safe
I had fun making the Diversion Safe Using a Vegetable Can the other week and wondered if I could make the idea even more useful using a typical #10 coffee can. I choose to use a can of white wheat because I figured that almost nobody would choose to mess with a can of wheat.…
4 Misconceptions About Fire Shutters (Guest Post)
Commercial building fires are more prevalent than house fires. True or false? False. Based on the survey conducted by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers in the US, most reported fire incidents have started from homes, kitchens mostly. Residential fires caused the majority of deaths and injuries. Most buildings have impenetrable industrial roller doors and…
How to Make a DIY Diversion Safe from a Vegetable Can
I got this idea of making a diversion safe from a video but instead of using a larger can and mason jar I decided to use a typical vegetable can (green beans) and a pill bottle. The project went rather quickly and turned out pretty good. Here’s how I did it: Take any common vegetable…
Attach Res-Q-Me to Seat Belt for BEST Accessibility
This just recently dawned on me and though I’ve yet to purchase the handy Res-Q-Me Keychain Car Escape Tool (pack of 2) for my own use, I have been contemplating where the best place to keep it would be when I do. Photos show it attached to keychains like this: But I’m wondering if that’s…
Pepper Spray Pros and Cons for Self Defense
Pepper spray is one of those self-defense items that seems to either get too much credit or perhaps not enough, in my humble opinion. Obviously, if we’re talking about whether pepper spray is suitable for truly stopping a violent attack, it is not. At best pepper spray buys you time… enough time to do something useful…
The Biggest Weakness of Basement Storm Shelters
Where we used to live (in the Midwest) basements and storm shelters were common place and for good reason: tornadoes and human bodies don’t mix real well. As such, a storm shelter is a wise addition to most any home. I’d certainly recommend one if you take your family’s safety to heart. Now, the typical…
IMO, Bunker Survival is Crazy!
I can only imagine trying to survive in an underground bunker post-SHTF or for any reason, really. I know it sounds like a workable plan but it is, in my opinion, likely a horrible experience, to say the least. Granted, it’s probably better than death by nukes or hordes of zombies. 😉 Regardless, I’d imagine…
How Effective are Security Windows and Doors? Your Choice Could Save a Life!
[Editors note: this is a guest post by Lena Carson of Tuscon, Arizona] Home security is a major concern for homeowners, and the type of windows and doors you use can help to make you safer. Keeping intruders out of your home becomes increasingly important in an urban survival/disaster scenario, and every second that an…
I Gave My Kids a Handgun Safe, Told Them to Break Into It…
I decided to try an experiment after watching this video… Something is amiss here. It can’t be that easy, can it? Let me first say that the kid in the video did have a little help here and there and it seemed that he knew the code to one of the safes (don’t see how that’s…