Category: Disaster Planning
4 Inherent Problems of Prepping With Very Young Children
To be clear, when I say very young children I’m thinking about children that are toddlers are younger, let’s say three years of age or less. I should also state that my children are getting older (almost 8 and 11 now… and going on 15 and 18 in attitude) and so I haven’t really had to consider…
What’s in Your Wallet? Here’s 14 Items in Mine and What Probably Should be in Yours
Everyday Carry (EDC) is an important part of any prepping strategy. After all, you’re only really as prepared as what you have on your person at the time of an emergency. Today I’m not talking about my entire EDC but, rather, just what’s in my wallet. So, I figured the best way to do this…
Big Dog or Small Dog for Survival? What Say You?
From time to time the question of dogs come up from a survival standpoint and, well, I’m thinking about it again today. While we do have a dog–he’s a rat terrier mix and about 35 pounds–our dog is getting older and may be taking a permanent dirt nap in the next few years. My wife…
Can You Find These 7 Critical Survival Items in the Dark? (And One Bonus Find)
Darkness can be both an ally and your worst enemy, especially when you’re in a hurry. And, as life would have it, disasters tend to happen at night, in the dark, while you’re fast asleep, and without warning. With this in mind I strongly suggest you have the following items nearby your bedside (somewhat in my…
50% is The Critical Threshold to NEVER Drop Below in Your Preps
My wife drives me crazy at times. I know, I know, that’s just the way marriage is at times and, to be honest, we get along marvelously most of the time… except when it comes to a few critical aspects of my incessant need to be ready and her slightly less lax attitude about such…
CONTEST POST: Preparing Your Vehicles for Everyday Emergencies? and More by Y. K.
As Americans, most of us spend dozens of hours each week in our vehicles, from going to work, shopping for groceries, driving the kids to school or practices, occasional road trips, and whatever else we find the need to do. It only makes sense that we should ensure our vehicles are as prepared for an…
CONTEST POST: You Think? by G.R.
Yeah, I do, I’m sitting pretty, there’s canned goods and bags of staples bucket’d, i have the major area’s covered, food, water, med’s, oh yeah, I’m sitting pretty. There’s enough you say for 90 days to see you through, 0r 6 months, or gee i have a year’s supply laid up, so when the emergency…
200 Miles From Home With a Flat Tire, Guess What I Didn’t Have?
We just returned from a day trip to Omaha, NE (from Kansas City) where we wanted to take the kids to the zoo or local wildlife reserve and a children’s museum. About ten miles from our destination I got a flat tire, my wife asked what was wrong, and I immediately knew I was about…
I Woke Up to Brown, Sputtering Water… and What Really Bothered Me About It
Yesterday was like any other day expect for the fact that I woke up to brown, sputtering water… yuk! It actually started out clear yet sputtering (like we’d lost water pressure) and then turned funny colors which was an obvious indication not to use it. Certainly, I wasn’t worried as we had plenty of water…