Category: Disaster Planning

  • I Got Schooled by My Kids This Weekend (and what it means to your prepping)

    Ok, I’m not proud of it but I did get “schooled” by my kids this weekend. Long story short, we were out and about trying to find what my kids called the “ladder” park which turned out to be a nearby playground at the local lake. After about 45 minutes of driving we finally found…

  • Better Places to Find Last Minute Preps

    The post on Monday asked whether pet stores were a “secret” place to find last minute preps and the answer was obviously NO. Today, however, I try to point out a few places where you could actually find last minutes supplies if you really had to. Now, even though I wrote an e-book about last minute…

  • Are Pet Stores a “Secret” Place For Last Minute Preps?

    I was recently watching a show about Armageddon or zombie apocalypse (aren’t they really all the same?) when one of the people on the show suggested that your local pet store was a better place to find lats minute supplies–in particular food and water–than any local grocery store. I said “What!? No way.” He basically stated…

  • How to Keep Children Safe, Part 6: A Few More Things

    [Editor’s note: This is a 6-part series regarding my views and plenty of common sense on how to keep your children safe in a dangerous world. It is generally geared toward children 12 and under. I hope it helps you.] Thus far we’ve covered how to keep your children safe in public, at home, in…

  • How to Keep Children Safe, Part 5: Online and Social Media

    [Editor’s note: This is a 6-part series regarding my views and plenty of common sense on how to keep your children safe in a dangerous world. It is generally geared toward children 12 and under. I hope it helps you.] This is a topic I’ve had to deal with more and more lately as my…

  • How to Keep Children Safe, Part 4: From Strangers

    [Editor’s note: This is a 6-part series regarding my views and plenty of common sense on how to keep your children safe in a dangerous world. It is generally geared toward children 12 and under. I hope it helps you.] I’m not sure I can think of much in life that’s more disgusting than someone…

  • How to Keep Children Safe, Part 3: At School

    [Editor’s note: This is a 6-part series regarding my views and plenty of common sense on how to keep your children safe in a dangerous world. It is generally geared toward children 12 and under. I hope it helps you.] I always look forward to sending my kids off to school (is that wrong?) because…

  • How to Keep Children Safe, Part 2: At Home

    [Editor’s note: This is a 6-part series regarding my views and plenty of common sense on how to keep your children safe in a dangerous world. It is generally geared toward children 12 and under. I hope it helps you.] There’s so much that can be covered here, from fire safety to safety topics by…

  • How to Keep Children Safe, Part 1: Public Places

    [Editor’s note: This is a 6-part series regarding my views and plenty of common sense on how to keep your children safe in a dangerous world. It is generally geared toward children 12 and under. I hope it helps you.] This last Saturday we took our kids (along with nieces and nephews who ranged from…