Category: Disaster Planning
It’s Not Possible to Hide Supplies Post-SHTF
I watched the video below yesterday and got to pondering just how possible it is to hide our precious survival supplies after a real disaster, something like an solar flare or all-out civil war, comes to mind. Lesser concerns, such as a lengthier power outage or tornado, need not apply. Go ahead and watch it…
DIY Urban Get Home Bag
I know many of us preppers focus on bug out bags, SHTF scenarios, and whatnot, but disasters of all kinds–even smaller, localized ones–happen, too. In fact, they’re far more likely than any major catastrophe. With that in mind, your ability to get home, to where most of your supplies are–not to mention your family, pets,…
DIY Generator Box – 10x Quieter
Do you have a generator but are worried that it will be too loud? Either because you just don’t want the noise or because it might attract two-legged critters? Then build yourself a generator box! Although I’m not a huge fan of generators, I do realize they have their uses when the power goes out.…
Solar Flare 2024?
We had our first snow of the winter earlier this week (see photo above of a part of my yard). It was quite a beautiful sight for all of about five minutes, until I went to get some chicken scratch from the garage and nearly slipped. It’s small things like this which remind me just…
Dieting Sucks, But Survival Diets Will Suck More!
About a month ago, my wife convinced me that we needed to go on a diet. In part to lose weight, but also to adjust our eating habits away from processed foods and, really, all the yummy stuff. Sadly, as we age, I can tell we need to do better with taking care of ourselves…
How to Survive the 7 Most Dangerous Extreme Weather Events
Extreme weather events are some of the most destructive forces on Earth. They can wipe out entire communities in minutes and cause billions of dollars in damage. Advancements in weather forecasting technology have allowed people to anticipate these disasters before they strike, but they can still be deadly even with prior preparation. Here’s how preppers…
The First 90 Days After Collapse
I’ve been warning of societal collapse of sort for years; I even wrote a book about it if you’d like my thoughts on surviving the coming catastrophe. But I recognize not everyone has the time to read, so here’s a good video by City Prepping discussing what to expect and how to survive what’s coming:
Freeze-Dried Greens
It’s been about two months since I’d freeze-dried anything at all. My how new toys fall by the wayside, eh? But, today I decided to give it a go again, this time choosing to freeze-dry some of the Swiss Chard that grows like a weed in our greenhouse and grow beds: But, those plants still…
This Video Gives Me Hope for the Future
I usually watch The Poplar Report videos with some apprehension. It’s not that his videos are bad, not at all. Rather, they’re quite informative and well thought out, often talking about coming concerns before anyone else. For that, I’m grateful. And when I started to watch this one, titled “Can You Still Thrive in the…