Category: Food / Water
When Home Canned Foods Go Bad
I feel like I spend so much energy on showing you how to do things right that to sometimes forget to show when things go wrong. Clearly, it’s crucial to share that knowledge and experience so that others, like you, know what to watch out for. Thus, I’m sharing the following video on a problem…
7 Ways to Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator
The core of any survivalist’s stock is healthful food with a long shelf life. Dehydrators are hefty, expensive kitchen tools you don’t need to get delicious results. Whether you like the texture or want to prepare for a harsh season, try these methods for at-home dehydration. You can maintain high nutritional value if executed and…
Building the Ultimate Pest-Proof Storage Space
Pests can quickly deplete your food supply and increase your chances of getting a foodborne illness. Luckily, you don’t need to do much to keep pests out for good. Follow these practical tips to ensure your stockpiled food stays secure in even the most demanding survival situations. Is Your Storage Space Vulnerable to Pests? If…
How to Make Cream Cheese
I can’t believe I never bothered to learn how to make cream cheese before. If I’m being honest, I had no idea it was this simple. All you need is milk and lemon juice (and possibly olive oil) for the ingredients, and a way to heat and beat the mixture until it transforms into that…
Dehydrated Ground Beef?
I’ve never been brave enough to dehydrate meat because I always wanted my dehydrated food to be shelf-stable; that’s why I focused mostly on vegetables. But apparently this video suggests that, so long as you follow a few rules, you can expect dehydrated ground beef to last months on the shelf. That’s not something I…
Prepping With Food Allergies and Dietary Restrictions
I recognize that not everyone can (or will) eat anything. Most of us assume that a person will choose to eat whatever is put in front of them when they’re truly hungry. That’s true to a point, but not entirely. There are times, for example, that people just can’t eat something because of a disease.…
The Hidden Power of Canned Meat
I’m a huge fan of canned food, including meats, for survival. I believe that any prepper worth his or her weight in gold, if you will, stockpiles food when times are good. But it has to be the right food, since a lot of what you can buy these days is bad for your health.…
Boil or Filter Water First? I May Have Been Wrong All Along…
When treating collected water for human consumption, I’ve long stated that you should definitely do more than just boil OR filter the water alone. Even though I very much believe in the effectiveness of the Berkey water filter system (and their black Berkey filters, in particular), you really don’t want to mess around with all…
3 Ingredient Survival Rations
I was looking for something to cheer me up, and this video may have given me some hope. 🙂 FYI, I jumped three minutes ahead to get to the good stuff. Although he mentions prepper foods you may have heard of before, such as pemmican and hardtack, he’s come up with his own solution: fat…