Category: Food / Water

  • Solo Stove: Perfect for Backpacking, Bug Out, Emergencies

    Solo Stove: Perfect for Backpacking, Bug Out, Emergencies

    I’m sure you’re familiar (or at least have seen) the Solo Stove over the years, I know I have. For some reason I never bothered to buy one… what a mistake! Fortunately, I was sent one to review along with the accompanying pot 900. I should point out that I’m NOT a huge backpacker so…

  • Why You Can’t Let Bulk Foods Sit Uneaten For Years

    Why You Can’t Let Bulk Foods Sit Uneaten For Years

    Today was NOT starting well… must be because it’s a Monday. It started off with a HUGE mess when making almond milk. I put too much liquid in the blender, the lid came off, and it went seemingly everywhere. About fifteen minutes later we had it cleaned up thanks to my ever-forgiving wife. Later, my youngest son and…

  • Could You, Would You, Should You Eat Bugs In A Survival Situation?

    Could You, Would You, Should You Eat Bugs In A Survival Situation?

    So there I was, standing in the bathroom staring at a near dead moth wondering what it would taste like. The thought quickly passed as I scooped it up and tossed it outside but for a moment, a mere moment, mind you… I pondered it. Now, I know eating a tiny moth would be nothing…

  • What You Don’t Know About Your Food Stockpile (Guest Post)

    What You Don’t Know About Your Food Stockpile (Guest Post)

    Today I want to talk about your food stockpile. I know, I know…in general this topic has been covered so many times, but those are the basic “how to” type articles. So instead I would like to share a few of the unique challenges you will face with your food stockpile when SHTF. Many people…

  • Swap Out Your Food and Water Supplies for the Coming Warm Weather

    Now that the weather is beginning to change and warm up a bit, I figured I would post a friendly reminder for you to change out any food and water supplies that you’ve had stored away. Specifically, I’m thinking about the food and water in your bug out bags, vehicle kits, as well as any you…

  • Focus on Powering a Chest Freezer Filled with Freezer Meals

    As much of a fan as I am of bulk foods as well as freeze dried foods (of late), I understand that not everyone sees things the same as me, which is fine. In fact, bulk foods take both work and sometimes equipment (such as a grain grinder) to make use of them whereas freeze…

  • Wise Food Storage Pasta Alfredo

    Wise Food Storage Pasta Alfredo

    I wasn’t given this Pasta Alfredo meal by Wise Food Storage to review but, instead, found it among some of our camping gear. I can only imagine how long ago I put it there because I don’t even remember buying it! I’d say at least a few years. Since I was home alone recently I…

  • Vally Food Storage – White Bean and Lime Chili

    Vally Food Storage – White Bean and Lime Chili

    I had an opportunity to review a food storage meal, White Bean and Lime Chili from, as it was sent to me for review. One thing I like, believe it or not, is that the food doesn’t come in a fancy package. It’s just a mylar bag and sticker: To me this means the money is…

  • This is the REAL Beauty of Freeze Dried Foods

    This is the REAL Beauty of Freeze Dried Foods

    If you’re not on-board with freeze-dried foods (no matter who you purchase from) you really need to do so. While there are many great reasons to include them in your food storage, perhaps the BEST reason to include them is that they allow you flexibility when planning and making meals. For instance, my wife wanted…