Category: Food / Water

  • Only Three Foods to Survive?

    Only Three Foods to Survive?

    According to the video below, you only need three foods to survive, scientifically speaking. I beg to differ—I think there are 57 you should stockpile—but if you’re down to subsistence levels, then stockpile rice and beans (for amino acids), and something high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon. That’s it!? Well, Goshen Prepping explains why…

  • Your Water Supply is Vulnerable! Here’s What to Do About It…

    Your Water Supply is Vulnerable! Here’s What to Do About It…

    This is a long video, but worth watching. Like the video starts out saying, water is a boring topic, until you don’t have any. And then it’s instantly the most important resource you could imagine! (Besides oxygen, I guess.) The sad truth is that we’re so accustomed to having clean, fresh, abundant water that we…

  • 12 Food Storage Myths Debunked

    12 Food Storage Myths Debunked

    I should hope that most of this information is common sense as a prepper, but it never hurts to go over again. In this video, they discuss best by dates, long-term food storage considerations, why commercial long-term foods aren’t the best choice, botulism (and why it’s not as much of a concern as most people…

  • How to Shower, Bathe, Drink, Potty, and More Without Running Water

    How to Shower, Bathe, Drink, Potty, and More Without Running Water

    The lady in the video below is right: we Americans just don’t realize how taken for granted water is in our modern society. If I remember correctly, the average American household uses a few hundred gallons of water daily. That may not sound like much, but that adds up to several thousand gallons of water…

  • Optimal Food Storage Plan for Preppers: 10 Steps

    Optimal Food Storage Plan for Preppers: 10 Steps

    As a prepper, being ready for anything means more than just stockpiling supplies and gear. It also means fueling your body to stay strong, sharp and healthy no matter what challenges arise. A well-stocked food supply is crucial for riding out any disaster, whether it’s a grid-down, disease outbreak, martial law or economic collapse. But…

  • Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

    Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

    You read that title correctly: This person apparently only spends roughly $67 per month on groceries; I think we spend at least $800 per month on groceries … at least it feels that way. 🙂 She spends so little by (1) only purchasing items on very deep discount when necessary and (2) reverse-meal-planning, meaning she…

  • 9 Water Conservation Tips for an Emergency

    9 Water Conservation Tips for an Emergency

    Water is wonderful. It’s the stuff of life, and something we often take for granted until disaster strikes. Suddenly, a reliable source of clean water becomes a top priority! Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes can quickly disrupt water infrastructure, leaving you struggling to meet your basic needs. But even in the face of an emergency, there are…

  • Branches and Vines as Water Filters?

    Branches and Vines as Water Filters?

    It’s as if nature provides a way to do almost everything we need. You just have to know where to start. Regarding primitive water filtration, the following video shows how to use a grape vine and Cyprus tree branch to filter rather scummy water. The technique is quite simple, as the most useful ideas are.…

  • Cooking Without Power

    Cooking Without Power

    The flicker of a dying light bulb. The hum of the refrigerator grinding to a halt. The sudden plunge into darkness confirms it – a power outage. While the inconvenience of a dark living room is easily manageable, the question of food quickly becomes a concern. Don’t worry, even without electricity, you can still create…