Category: Food / Water

  • How to Shower, Bathe, Drink, Potty, and More Without Running Water

    How to Shower, Bathe, Drink, Potty, and More Without Running Water

    The lady in the video below is right: we Americans just don’t realize how taken for granted water is in our modern society. If I remember correctly, the average American household uses a few hundred gallons of water daily. That may not sound like much, but that adds up to several thousand gallons of water…

  • Optimal Food Storage Plan for Preppers: 10 Steps

    Optimal Food Storage Plan for Preppers: 10 Steps

    As a prepper, being ready for anything means more than just stockpiling supplies and gear. It also means fueling your body to stay strong, sharp and healthy no matter what challenges arise. A well-stocked food supply is crucial for riding out any disaster, whether it’s a grid-down, disease outbreak, martial law or economic collapse. But…

  • Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

    Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

    You read that title correctly: This person apparently only spends roughly $67 per month on groceries; I think we spend at least $800 per month on groceries … at least it feels that way. 🙂 She spends so little by (1) only purchasing items on very deep discount when necessary and (2) reverse-meal-planning, meaning she…

  • 9 Water Conservation Tips for an Emergency

    9 Water Conservation Tips for an Emergency

    Water is wonderful. It’s the stuff of life, and something we often take for granted until disaster strikes. Suddenly, a reliable source of clean water becomes a top priority! Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes can quickly disrupt water infrastructure, leaving you struggling to meet your basic needs. But even in the face of an emergency, there are…

  • Branches and Vines as Water Filters?

    Branches and Vines as Water Filters?

    It’s as if nature provides a way to do almost everything we need. You just have to know where to start. Regarding primitive water filtration, the following video shows how to use a grape vine and Cyprus tree branch to filter rather scummy water. The technique is quite simple, as the most useful ideas are.…

  • Cooking Without Power

    Cooking Without Power

    The flicker of a dying light bulb. The hum of the refrigerator grinding to a halt. The sudden plunge into darkness confirms it – a power outage. While the inconvenience of a dark living room is easily manageable, the question of food quickly becomes a concern. Don’t worry, even without electricity, you can still create…

  • Meat Preservation, No Refrigeration – Only One Ingredient

    Meat Preservation, No Refrigeration – Only One Ingredient

    Salt. It’s salt. Here’s how to use it so meat lasts nearly forever…

  • 8 Essential Tips to Ensure Water Security in Emergencies

    8 Essential Tips to Ensure Water Security in Emergencies

    Water security is the most prominent issue when faced with runoff contamination, chemical spills, droughts, floods and other disasters. After all, it’s a critical resource essential for survival and one that sorely underestimated by most people, even preppers. While you can usually foresee inclement weather, other instances occur unexpectedly. It’s in these moments, in particular,…

  • Costco Inflation Check!

    Costco Inflation Check!

    Look, if I could go to Costco every week, I would. I love that place. But, my wife prefers we’re not in the poor house because I’m a “crazy” prepper, so we compromise…meaning she says I get to go once a month and that’s that. But I’ve been noticing recently, let’s say over the past…