Category: Food / Water

  • 10 Food Storage Myths Debunked

    10 Food Storage Myths Debunked

    Good points in the video below regarding long-term food storage foods. The takeaways: storage conditions really do matter! Temperature is crucial (especially avoiding heat), along with how the food is stored (e.g., loose rice in a bag versus stored in a #10 can.) Last, pay attention to myth #10 about Millennium Bars if you’re interested…

  • Homemade Yogurt Tip

    Homemade Yogurt Tip

    I’ve been making my own homemade yogurt for many years. Most of the time it works out great. I’ve had a few mishaps, in that the yogurt never solidifies, for whatever reason, but most of the time it works out as I expected. I’ve use a yogurt maker a long time ago, and I’ve even…

  • How to Optimize Your Food Storage

    How to Optimize Your Food Storage

    Following all the turmoil in the world, it’s no surprise you might be making plans to optimize your food storage for emergencies and worse. A recent United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report stated natural disasters now occur three times more often than in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, there’s now a broader…

  • Small Rainwater Catch, Does It Work?

    Small Rainwater Catch, Does It Work?

    Last Friday, my son began to ask me about our water preparedness plan. I was honest; it’s not great. I told him we had eight 55-gallon drums that had clean water we could drink, and six IBC totes collecting rooftop rainwater that would certainly need filtered and then boiled before I would feel comfortable consuming…

  • DIY Ceramic Pot Water Filter

    DIY Ceramic Pot Water Filter

    I continue to believe that we’re heading for a big problem here in America, and likely the world. Precious resources, like water, will become more expensive and scarce, so I’m always on the lookout for ways to do things on my own. While I have an assortment of water filters, like the gravity-fed Berkey, Sawyer…

  • Never Use Oxygen Absorbers With These Foods?

    Never Use Oxygen Absorbers With These Foods?

    It’s never really occurred to me when NOT to use an oxygen absorber. After all, I really only store traditional bulk foods (e.g., rice, beans, pasta, flour) which has already been canned from somewhere like the LDS Home Storage Center or pre-purchase freeze-dried food from a company, like Thrive…but that’s about to change because I…

  • Taking Proper Care of Your Food Storage Systems

    Taking Proper Care of Your Food Storage Systems

    When it comes to prepping for emergencies, your food resources and storage systems should be at the top of your priority list. Not only do you need to choose the right foods and supplies, but you also need to build your food systems in the right places and keep them well-organized, maintained, and protected. This…

  • Do You Have Enough Fats Stored?

    Do You Have Enough Fats Stored?

    Fats are crucial to a healthy diet, and they’re something that preppers tend to overlook in favor of bulk foods or anything that potentially lasts for decades. In this video she discusses how much fat you need, why it’s so important to stockpile, as well as which types of fats and oils to consider–there are…

  • 7 Rainwater Harvesting  Mistakes

    7 Rainwater Harvesting Mistakes

    I recently purchased several IBC totes off Facebook Marketplace to supplement our garden watering efforts. Had I watched this video before then, I might have reconsidered the expense and effort I put into the project. At the very least, however, he’s pointed out that algae is a problem, which means I’ll need to blackout my…