Category: Food / Water

  • Looking Back, How Prepared Were You?

    Looking Back, How Prepared Were You?

    Now that it seems some of the coronavirus restrictions are going to be lifted soon, I figured it would be a good time to look back and think about how prepared you and I were for what happened as I suspect this is just round one, but let’s hope and pray we’re done for a…

  • Are Backyard Chickens Worth It?

    Are Backyard Chickens Worth It?

    One of these days I’m going to get myself some chickens, if for nothing else than being more prepared for shortages at the grocery store. But, what if you’re only in it for the money? Are you really saving anything by raising your own chickens or would you simply be better off continuing to purchase…

  • The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Family Farm

    The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Family Farm

    Starting a family farm takes passion and hard work. Before you begin, establish what you hope to gain from this endeavor. Some people want to provide fresh food for their families, some want to engage in the lifestyle that farming offers and others want to build a meaningful business that provides for their livelihood.  In…

  • 9 Problems With Using Bleach for Water Treatment

    9 Problems With Using Bleach for Water Treatment

    I’m sure you’re aware that most authorities recommend you either boil water or use bleach (sodium hypochlorite) if you must treat water for some reason, such as a boil water order or you’ve run out of safe, stored water and now must collect from a questionable source. Now, while I understand their reasoning–mostly likely because…

  • How to Cook With Solar Panels and a 12-volt Frying Pan

    How to Cook With Solar Panels and a 12-volt Frying Pan

    If you’ve already got a solar panel or two–he used two 100-watt panels–and you can get a portable frying pan (similar to this one) or, better yet, a portable saucepan, you can cook without grid power so long as there’s enough sunlight to push several amps… even directly connected to the frying pan or saucepan!…

  • 7 Steps to Prepare Your Family for Survival

    7 Steps to Prepare Your Family for Survival

    Popular media has made prepping seem like something only paranoid people do. Yet it’s smart who have a plan for emergencies, like an extended power outage or natural disaster — especially if you have a family to take care of. We’ve all been in a scary situation, whether that’s an earthquake or severe storm. However,…

  • DIY Rain Roof Build: Rainwater Harvesting for Survival, Gardening

    DIY Rain Roof Build: Rainwater Harvesting for Survival, Gardening

    If you live anywhere with a bit of open space (even your own backyard) you could use this idea to collect a lot of water in a short period of time. Coupled with large collection containers, such as the IBC totes he uses, you might not even realize the grid is down, lol. Plus, the…

  • The First-Timer’s Guide to Hunting Deer

    The First-Timer’s Guide to Hunting Deer

    Hunting started as a necessity for humans to support themselves and their families by providing food. Over the years, it has evolved into a favorite pastime and tradition shared between generations. From a food source to a celebrated sport and lifestyle, there’s no shortage of people around the world who love hunting whitetail deer. Whether…

  • How to Start Your Own Survival Farm

    How to Start Your Own Survival Farm

    Beyond foraging, one of the only reliable ways to secure food in a lengthy disaster is by growing it yourself. Small farms are more popular than ever, and that means there are a wide variety of resources available that you can use to start your own. This is good news for preppers and survivalists who…