Category: Health / Medical / First Aid
5 Essential Medical Supplies to Have as a Responsible Gun Owner
When planning an extended hunting trip that will be far off the beaten path, and it’s just you and nature, you’ll more than likely spend some time checking all the boxes before heading out. You’ve taken the time to break down and clean the upper receiver and inspected the AR15 lower yourself. Check. You’ve remembered…
Treating Injuries in the Wild
When you’re a survivalist, injuries are imminent. It’s not a matter of “if” you’ll get hurt, it’s a matter of when. But, that’s the whole point of “surviving,” right? When you know how to properly treat an injury, you can keep moving forward and living off the land. Being prepared is important (we’ll cover that…
Surviving a Venomous Bite in the Wild: 6 Strategies
Animals evolve the ability to secrete venom for a variety of reasons. Some use it for hunting and subduing their prey and may have evolved the ability to be venomous because of changes in the ecosystem. Others use it defensively as a means to protect themselves, securing their place in the food chain and keeping…
14 Survival Exercises to Prepare for SHTF
When we think about preparing for the end of the world or even a survival situation, there are a lot of different things to consider. Most people focus on supplies — food, water, medical supplies, tools, etc. — and having a place to retreat to. One thing that you can’t afford to overlook is your…
Simple Off-Grid Refrigeration for Medical Supplies
There are many ways to go about powering small equipment, refrigerators, chest freezers, and the like if the grid goes down temporarily. One of my favorite methods is to simply buy an 800-watt inverter and connect it to your vehicle’s battery, which should provide enough power to keep a standard refrigerator or chest freezer functioning…
Hurting My Shoulder Reminded Me Of This…
About two weeks ago I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. It was enough to keep me from wanting to use it for a few days and the pain continues to linger, though I suspect it has more to do with me continuing to use my arm more than I should than anything being terribly…
Get 30+ Days of Medicine Now!
I can only imagine how much worse our prescription medication supply chain will get during a collapse or threat of war. Let’s hope it never gets that far. But, just in case, I went out and bought several hundred dollars worth of the supplements and vitamins we use last month and I still don’t feel…
How to Never Get a Serious Poison Ivy Rash Again
I wish I knew this about twenty years ago. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the soap you use, but everything to do with friction…
How to Maintain Your Mental Health in Isolation
Maybe the events of the past year haven’t tested your mettle enough, or perhaps too much cabin fever has you itching for an extended solo trek. Spending time in isolation has inspired poets and off-the-grid types since time immemorial. Plus, sometimes, you just want to be alone. However, human beings are social animals, and you…