Hurting My Shoulder Reminded Me Of This…

About two weeks ago I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. It was enough to keep me from wanting to use it for a few days and the pain continues to linger, though I suspect it has more to do with me continuing to use my arm more than I should than anything being terribly wrong. In fact, the pain was enough that I had a hard time sleeping or getting comfortable no matter what I did for a few days and, to my surprise, even sneezing or coughing hurt. Getting old is fun!

But what this problem reminded me of is how important it is to stay on top of things, whether that’s preparedness tasks or simple house chores because it could’ve been something that sidelined me for much longer, like a broken arm, leg, or ribs. Any of those maladies could’ve kept me from doing anything of use for several weeks or longer which is an eternity when it comes to survival-related tasks.

Just imagine if you haven’t bothered to chop wood yet for the winter and you end up having a major problem all of a sudden. Or maybe you’ve been putting off a major task like fixing your greenhouse or a vehicle repair and now you can barely move. And that’s to say nothing if you’re the only one if the household who can do these things.

Putting important tasks off is no good. Not only are you failing to keep up with your preparedness efforts but you could be needlessly putting yourself at risk when the unexpected happens. As I was recently reminded, the unexpected could strike at any time. Personally, I didn’t do anything extraordinary to cause my trouble. Heck, I think I just turned my head wrong one day and tweaked my shoulder muscle, though the problem was likely exacerbated by us recently moving all of our belongings into a storage unit. Did I mention that getting older is fun?

I’ll remind you that when SHTF you’ll likely be busier than normal, doing more manual tasks than usual, and there will assuredly be less rest time than you’re accustomed to, all of which could cause troubles as what I experienced. Obviously, keeping on top of your preparedness tasks is the only way to ensure your survival isn’t going to suffer should something unexpected happen.

Granted, it is possible to rely on others (e.g., family, friends, neighbors) when you’re in need, but that only goes so far. Unless they’re living with then weeks or months of other people doing things for you will get old fast. Yes, seek help when necessary and build relationships now, but also remember to keep up with things so that you’re not unexpected screwed at the worst possible moment.


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


2 responses to “Hurting My Shoulder Reminded Me Of This…”

  1. Jimmy Hawkins

    This is a good point regarding staying fit. My job is sedentary. A while back I purchased a mountain bike from a local sporting goods store. I realized that I’m not in the best of shape at 238 pounds. So I have recently started riding this bike 4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. I feel this is a nice low-impact type exercise to at least allow me to keep “somewhat” in shape.

  2. Gail Raymon

    You’ve made an excellent point in staying on top of preparedness. I’d add that same attention to staying physically fit, in terms of both strength and mobility, is necessary to mitigate aging changes, allowing one to prepare to survive and thrive.

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