Category: Interesting Stuff
I Always Feel Naked When I Travel by Airplane, How About You?
It’s amazing how much of a homebody I’ve become the past few years. Granted, I was never one to jump at the chance to see the world so maybe it’s in my nature. Nonetheless, I really despise travelling, particularly by airplane. Not only is it a major annoyance with all the restrictions of things I…
A Fellow Prepper Needs Our Help! A Terrible Loss Due to House Fire…
I’ve been meaning to do this for a few days now (I originally heard about this tragedy here) and as a result of the following video by Wranglerstar I’ve finally decided to step up and make my own donation to help these folks out. I didn’t know them or even know the blog existed but…
45 of The Most Common Survival Acronyms Defined… With a Bit of Humor
I love TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms), don’t you? Just in case you’re having trouble with all of the survival-related TLAs, I figured I would attempt to define a few dozen of the most common acronyms that we commonly use and read about on the Net. I know there are many, many more–especially military terms–and you’re…
Maybe the Duck Dynasty Guys Have it Right… I Should Have Grown a Beard?
I like to be clean shaven including my head and, more importantly, my wife prefers it. 😉 I’ve shaved for so long it would be utterly earth-shattering if I had a beard… or hair on my head. It’s just not natural! Or is it? After all, those Duck Dynasty guys pull it off, and fairly…
How to Handle the Deceased in a SHTF Scenario
I was asked recently to talk about how to handle death in a SHTF situation. I initially balked a bit because, to be honest, I’m probably the last person who should discuss this topic as I have very little experience with death or dealing with things that have died. About the closest I’ve been to…
Can Survival TV Shows Teach Us Anything Useful, or is it All Cinematic Hype?
I’ll admit it: I’m a prepper tv show junkie of sorts. I enjoy watching shows like Survivorman, Dual Survival, Doomsday Preppers, and more recently Doomsday Castle. I used to watch them because I felt like I learned useful knowledge from people like Les Stroud and company (mostly because I’m not a wilderness survivalist) but also…
Are You Getting Bombarded With “The Ultimate Survival Bundle” and, if so, Should You Buy?
The past few days I’ve seen more and more references to something called the “Ultimate Survival Bundle,” from emails to posts on other survival websites. Eventually, I began to wonder what this “new” survival information was and so I checked it out. I should note that there’s an affiliate program associated with the bundle, hence,…
If You Want to Learn Something, Teach it… If You REALLY Want to Learn Something, Teach it to Children
Over the summer my wife and I decided to make yet another major change in our lives: to homeschool our children. This wasn’t an easy decision even though it had been something I wanted to do for a long time now, at least, until it turned out that I would be the one to do most…
5 Great Ways to Benefit from the Sun’s Power
I’m a huge fan of utilizing whatever I have around me and using the power of nature is no exception. I’ve mentioned in the past, however, that I’m not a very “out of the box” type of thinker so it helps me tremendously to have seen what can be done by others first. So, without further ado,…