Category: Interesting Stuff

  • Today is World Water Day [infographic]

    Apparently today is “world water day” and I was asked to mention this infographic on Why Plumbers are Heroes. Spend 30 seconds and read the infographic; it’s an eye-opening reminder about how important clean water is to our health. In fact, I’m reminded of a quote that went something like “we owe our health more…

  • 297 Free Survival Books and Manuals contacted me a few days back and pointed out they had a huge library of survival books (PDF files) and other manuals that you may want to bookmark… and I thought I had a lot of files to share! FYI, I had trouble opening these files in my browser (it could just be my…

  • 8 Perpetual Prepping Myths Debunked (My Open Letter to “Normal” People)

    This is an open letter to all non-preppers (aka, “normal” people) who may have unfortunate and mis-guided beliefs about what preppers are and are not. I’ve done this in list format for easier debunking. Preppers: Please choose to forward this to any non-preppers if you like. Non-Preppers: Please feel free to open your mind for a few minutes…

  • I’ll Be Honest, My Survival “Switch” Has Been in The OFF Position

    I don’t want to make excuses but it is interesting how major life events or, equally likely, drastic changes in one’s routine can throw a “proverbial” monkey wrench into the works. With all the recent tragedies that have befell us lately, I have noticed that I’ve let my guard down quite a bit. As you…

  • The Biggest Threat to Preppers Will be Other Preppers?

    As you may know, I like to frequent the SurvivalistBoards forums but, sadly, rarely get into the discussions because I’m usually just not fast enough to comment. That said, this post on The Biggest Threat to Preppers grabbed my attention and I thought I would share it here. Before even reading the OP or any…

  • How to Download YouTube Videos for Free (using Real Player)

    I’ve always wondered how to download YouTube videos for archiving but never could find a good answer. Whenever I half-heartedly looked I seemed to happen upon some shady website or maybe some tool that didn’t feel right either so I never tried any of them. Fortunately, the other night I downloaded Real Player (the free version)…

  • Lackluster Top Blogs, Retort Canning, and Some Vindication for Me

    I figured I would share a few things that have been on my mind lately… Lackluster top blogs… If it isn’t obvious to long time readers by now, I spend a lot of my time following MANY blogs in order to bring you the most interesting and useful content each day. Of these blogs, I…

  • Bad Things Happen, Life is Short, Prep Hard Anyway

    Bad Things Happen Things have been rough around my house the past few days since we found out that my brother-in-law passed away in a freak fishing accident. Long story short, two of my brothers-in-law were fishing off a cliff edge in Hawaii (they live there) when the one fell off the edge and drowned.…

  • How to Cook Dried Beans Infographic

    Thanks to the Survival Woman at for these instructions… Link to complete instructions: