Category: Interesting Stuff

  • Two Best Lockpicks

    Two Best Lockpicks

    Video on lockpick choices. He recommends two: The Titanium Bogota lockpicks for better feel than stainless, plus they fit easily in your wallet or pocket. The folding pocket pick set because it’s all conveniently contained in a single unit, sort of like a Swiss Army knife. Remember, of course, that picking locks other than your own…

  • 3000 Watt Parabolic Mirror Solar Array

    I’m not quite sure how the video creator came up with this being “3000 watts,” but if you watch the later half of the video you’ll see some of it in action. Of course, as with any large DIY solar mirror project, it can be dangerous to use! Please be cautious if you intend on…

  • Super Glue Trick Makes It Immediately Rock Hard?

    I happened upon this video the other day and though, wow, does this really work? If so, why haven’t I heard about this sooner!? Now I need to go break something so I can give it a try, lol…  

  • Prepper Bundle Flash Sale 90% Off, Less Than 3 Days Now

    Prepper Bundle Flash Sale 90% Off, Less Than 3 Days Now

    Remember that awesome Prepper Bundle we talked about a few months back? Well, apparently there’s been a huge request for it to come back and fortunately for you… Jennifer and Bill have heard your requests. Now (actually since Friday) through this coming Monday (less than 3 days as of this email) the Prepper Bundle is…

  • 8 Reasons to Try Hunting This Year

    8 Reasons to Try Hunting This Year

    When it comes to shooting guns, more and more people are opting to spend time at a shooting range rather than going out hunting. Little do they know that hunting not only gives you the same adrenaline rush that you would get at a gun range, but you will also get additional benefits that will…

  • Is Yesterday’s Earth-Directed CME A Concern For You?

    Just curious what more level-headed folks have to say about the recent X-class solar flare that erupted early Wednesday morning. Normally, I pay very little attention to space weather because I honestly don’t feel like it’s a very likely threat but for some reason I started to pay attention yesterday and, well, I also began…

  • How to Survive After Trauma – 11 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

    How to Survive After Trauma – 11 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

    [Editor’s note: I figured this was an appropriate topic to discuss riht now considering the recent disaster caused by Hurricane Harvey. Remember that no matter how strong or prepared you feel you are, anyone could find themselves or a loved one struggling with the emotional aftereffects of a trauma, particularly a disaster.] Would I call…

  • Mayor Right Not To Order Evacuation?

    Mayor Right Not To Order Evacuation?

    Honestly, I haven’t been paying much attention of the Houston hurricane except to occasionally view a few photos of the aftermath and to keep up with how rescue and recovery efforts are going. I do hope these folks stay safe. Anyway, I recently read an article in The New York Times with a similar title as…

  • 17 Apps Every Survivalist Needs

    17 Apps Every Survivalist Needs

    These days, most of us have smartphones, and this gives us the ability to download apps for just about any purpose. But have you considered what apps might be useful when SHTF? In a truly large-scale disaster, cell phone service might not be available, but many apps can store information and be accessed even without…