Category: Saving Money on Preps

  • Where Should Preppers Invest Money in 2022?

    Where Should Preppers Invest Money in 2022?

    A lot of thought goes into preparing for the worst, from how much food and water you’ll need to survive, to how you’ll store everything and what you need to do if staying home isn’t an option and you need to evacuate. One thing that a lot of preppers might not fully consider is the…

  • Should You Spend $80 On A Gas Can?

    Should You Spend $80 On A Gas Can?

    Personally, I feel all gas cans are WAY too expensive, especially those cheap plastic CARB-compliant cans we’re required to buy these days… what a ridiculous invention. In any case, you may be looking for a better option, such as a traditional NATO Jerry can made by Wavian, but do you REALLY need to spend 3x…

  • 27 Frugal Ideas: Which Ones Stayed, Which Ones Didn’t?

    27 Frugal Ideas: Which Ones Stayed, Which Ones Didn’t?

    Since it’s still more or less still the “New Year” I figured it would be interesting to look back and reflect on those frugal ideas I’ve tried in the past, keeping in mind those which have stuck as well as those that didn’t. I can say that changing your way of live is hard, particularly, when you…

  • I’ve Recently Re-Discovered The Frugality of Using a Washrag With Soap

    I’ve Recently Re-Discovered The Frugality of Using a Washrag With Soap

    I know this may sound super simple but, as the title points out, I’ve recently re-discovered the frugality of using a washrag with soap in the shower. Now, I may occasionally use a washrag to wash my face outside of the shower but rarely do I use one while showering or bathing. You see, I’ve…

  • Free Admission Spots

    Free Admission Spots

    Yesterday, since we home school our children, we decided to switch it up from a boring typical day and do a few field trips instead. The thing is that we didn’t want to spend a bunch of money and choose to visit two local spots that offer free admission to the general public. The first…

  • Let Dishes Air Dry to Save Even More Money?

    I know people who never use their dishwasher. Yes, that’s right… they NEVER use it. I think that’s insane! We literally use our dishwasher everyday. Yes, everyday. As such, it’s a significant energy user in our household. Perhaps we’re the “insane” ones? Regardless, according to some estimates not using the heated dry setting on your dishwasher…

  • Shop Around for Insurance Rates and Services to Save BIG Money!

    I used to drive my wife nuts because–according to her–I would switch home phone providers as often as I changed my underwear. 😉 Ok, maybe not quite that often but I did tend to change providers often. I was always looking for a better deal. After all, if one company is offering the same services for…

  • Use Discount Cards to Buy Gas?

    Use Discount Cards to Buy Gas?

    Be honest, you have a few of these “discount” shopping cards, don’t you? Besides probably being a violation of your privacy since the company has a complete history of everything you purchase, they can help you save money on a variety of in-store purchases, but the part I want to focus on is the possibility of…

  • Get Fewer Haircuts, Cut Your Own… Potentially Save $1000 per Year!

    Get Fewer Haircuts, Cut Your Own… Potentially Save $1000 per Year!

    I’ve been fortunate that many years ago I started to lose my hair. Yes, I said fortunately. Most people would probably disagree with me seeing as though they want to keep their hair. I don’t. In fact, I’m plenty happy having a bald head for many reasons. First, I make it look good: Alright, making…