Category: Skills / Knowledge

  • Boil or Filter Water First? I May Have Been Wrong All Along…

    Boil or Filter Water First? I May Have Been Wrong All Along…

    When treating collected water for human consumption, I’ve long stated that you should definitely do more than just boil OR filter the water alone. Even though I very much believe in the effectiveness of the Berkey water filter system (and their black Berkey filters, in particular), you really don’t want to mess around with all…

  • Your Water Supply is Vulnerable! Here’s What to Do About It…

    Your Water Supply is Vulnerable! Here’s What to Do About It…

    This is a long video, but worth watching. Like the video starts out saying, water is a boring topic, until you don’t have any. And then it’s instantly the most important resource you could imagine! (Besides oxygen, I guess.) The sad truth is that we’re so accustomed to having clean, fresh, abundant water that we…

  • 7 DIY Home Repairs After an Emergency

    7 DIY Home Repairs After an Emergency

    Being prepared to handle basic home repairs yourself can make a big difference in ensuring your family’s safety and comfort after a disaster strikes. This blog post will cover the most likely types of disasters that could cause damage to your home, repairs you can handle yourself, when to call a professional, essential tools you…

  • 3 Knots You Should Know as a Prepper

    3 Knots You Should Know as a Prepper

    Everyone has their opinion on which knots are the most useful, and I’m sure I do as well. This video discusses three—bowline, straight lash, and trucker’s hitch—that he believes are the most useful for every outdoorsman. Would you agree? More importantly, I suggest having a quality reference of knots in your home library as well…

  • Most Common Disaster Scams and How to Avoid Them

    Most Common Disaster Scams and How to Avoid Them

    Natural disasters are inherently chaotic. Sadly, while communities rally together to rebuild, there’s a darker element that seeks to exploit the chaos for personal gain: scammers who target the victims. These criminals leverage the vulnerabilities of those affected (and those willing to help), exploiting an emotional time for all. Understanding how these scams operate and…

  • EMP Aftermath. Could You Get Home?

    EMP Aftermath. Could You Get Home?

    The scenario the video below discusses is that of an EMP strike and returning home after a short domestic flight. Of course, you probably don’t know what’s happened, but all electronics quite working (including your smartphone) and you don’t have the luxury of a bug out bag. That said, they packed more survival gear in…

  • Debunking 10 Misconceptions About Emergencies

    Debunking 10 Misconceptions About Emergencies

    Emergencies – the very word evokes a sense of panic and chaos. While some situations truly demand immediate action, there are many misconceptions floating around that can lead to poor decision-making and worsen the situation. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths surrounding emergencies: Myth #1: Every Emergency Requires Frantic Action Hollywood loves to…

  • Branches and Vines as Water Filters?

    Branches and Vines as Water Filters?

    It’s as if nature provides a way to do almost everything we need. You just have to know where to start. Regarding primitive water filtration, the following video shows how to use a grape vine and Cyprus tree branch to filter rather scummy water. The technique is quite simple, as the most useful ideas are.…

  • Prepping on a Budget

    Prepping on a Budget

    The older I get, the more I realize just how important skills are regarding preparedness. I know I’ve focused on “stuff” in my early days of prepping, but now I’m trying to focus on my survival capabilities, thus my interest in homesteading and all things related to longer-term survival beyond more “stuff.” Don’t get me…