Category: Warmth / Shelter / Cooling

  • The Copper Forever Candle Heater

    The Copper Forever Candle Heater

    It’s so cold outside that I can’t think about anything besides staying inside where it’s warm, lol. But even the indoors can become frigid and dangerous given a long enough outage. Consider a copper “forever” candle heater build as shown in the video below. All you need is a used mason jar with a lid,…

  • Most Efficient Heating Method for Blackouts

    Most Efficient Heating Method for Blackouts

    You might be surprised that a simple electric blanket is perhaps the most efficient way to keep warm when the power goes out. Granted, you’ll need a way to run it, which is one more reason why you want a small off-grid system like a solar generator or power inverter. But of all the ways…

  • 4 DIY Emergency Heaters for Indoor Use

    4 DIY Emergency Heaters for Indoor Use

    If you’re down to using these from freezing to death, you’re in trouble. I’ve made all of these (or some variation of them) in the past with the exception of the chaffing fuel … those I’ve purchased. They’re all neat ideas, and sometimes useful as a light source, but most DIY ideas do little good…

  • 8 Ways to Prepare for Winter Now

    8 Ways to Prepare for Winter Now

    Being prepared isn’t just about having stuff or even skills that most people don’t. It’s very much about being proactive … we see what’s coming or what’s possible and take mitigating actions or have plans to deal with it. Our ancestors might have called it “common sense.” But just in case you need a reminder,…

  • Coffee Briquettes – Free Heat (and Smells Good?)

    Coffee Briquettes – Free Heat (and Smells Good?)

    I’m not a coffee drinker, but I thought this was an interesting way to use something that most of us just toss in the garbage. And, yes, you can certainly compost coffee. But why not make use of it to heat your home? Honestly, I had no idea that adding coffee grounds would make homemade…

  • Winter Storms: What You Need for Snow and Ice Emergencies

    Winter Storms: What You Need for Snow and Ice Emergencies

    A few winters ago, a family living in a relatively mild climate assumed that their usual winter prep—mainly relying on space heaters and a thin stock of canned goods—would suffice for the season. But when a major winter storm hit their area, temperatures plummeted, and heavy snow caused widespread power outages. Their house quickly became…

  • This Heat is Ridiculous! 26 Ways to Stay Cool Now and During SHTF

    This Heat is Ridiculous! 26 Ways to Stay Cool Now and During SHTF

    If I said the heat here in the Midwest felt like a desert, my description would be generous because at least a desert heat is dry. Adding in constant 50% or more humidity makes it so much worse. I can absolutely say that as I get older the heat is no longer bearable, though I’m…

  • Portable Diesel Heater Superior to Propane?

    Portable Diesel Heater Superior to Propane?

    I watched this video last week and got to wondering if I should jump ship from my trusty Mr. Heater Buddy propane heater and try a portable diesel heater, instead. I’ll skip to about three minutes in where he starts talking about diesel heaters in the video below to save you time. That said, the…

  • Dog Booties for Winter Bug Out?

    Dog Booties for Winter Bug Out?

    In keeping with my “it’s ridiculously cold outside, this totally sucks” theme, I got to watching my dog lately as he goes about his business outside in the harsh cold. Here he is, by my bedroom door, whining and surely bored as I write this: His name is Hero. He’s a 1.5 year old Border…