Cosmetics from the Barnyard (or Four More Benefits of Eggs) by Pam

basket-eggsThe nutrients in eggs play a role in weight management, tissue repair, muscle growth and strength, chemical and hormone production, healthy pregnancies, brain function, eye health and are essential to healthy skin, hair and nails.

One egg provides about 70 calories with a lot of vitamins, minerals and critical amino acids or protein. One large chicken egg provides 6.3 grams of protein and 4.7 grams of fat. Duck eggs provide 9 grams of protein, 130 calories and 9.6 grams of fat. The protein in eggs is the highest-quality protein found in any food as it contains all nine of the essential amino acids that our bodies require. This protein provides the energy required to perform your best in the most important situations.  Interestingly, although there are other sources of essential proteins, none of them can be absorbed in the body as easily as the protein provided by eggs.

Eggs contain vitamins A, B, D and E. By simply adding vitamin C you promote collagen production. Collagen makes up the connective tissues of the human body and provides structure for blood vessels, bones, tendons and skin.  The original recipe for an Orange Julius included raw eggs in orange juice. Personally, I like to add raw eggs and cold rose hip tea to a smoothie.

Enough of this “beauty comes from within” stuff …

There is yet more to acquire from the “incredible edible egg”.

#1 A burn treatment

Since collagen is a cosmetic ingredient known to keep the skin supple, when raw egg whites are applied liberally to a burn and kept moist for multiple days, the affected area does not scar but returns to the normal state.

#2 A facial mask

Wash the face well rinsing thoroughly with warm water. To further open the pores, you can steam your face over a bowl of steaming hot water for 10 minutes before applying the mask. Apply raw egg whites evenly over the face including under the eyes but not on the eyelids. As the mask begins to dry, add more egg until the entire white has been applied. Relax and let the mask dry completely (30 – 45 minutes). It will feel tight and possibly itch a bit. Once it’s completely dry, rinse it off.  By applying raw egg whites to the skin and allowing it to dry, it serves as a natural ‘microdermabrasion’. This removes dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin encouraging the production of new collagen. The amino acids act as a “deep” moisturizer.

#3 Hair conditioning

Whisk together one whole egg with two tablespoons of olive oil and apply to the hair, massaging well into the scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag and then wrap it with a warm towel.  Keep covered for a minimum of 30 minutes. Rinse well with warm water in the shower then do a “final hair rinse” in the coldest water you can tolerate.

Moisture content is as important for hair as it is the skin. A tissue called cuticle on the surface of a strand of hair plays an important role in holding water in the hair, and amino acids are moisturizing ingredients of the cuticle. Dull, dry, frizzy and fly away hair indicates that the cuticles are heavily damaged due to decreased amino acids. This treatment is valuable if you’ve tried growing your hair but it breaks before you can acquire the desired length. Amino acids make hair less breakable by increasing moisture holding capacity.

#4 Colloidal Calcium

Colloidal means very finely divided particles of one substance are suspended in another.

After cracking several eggs for another use, rinse the remaining whites out of the shells and crush them into a cup. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and then fill the cup with boiling water. Allow the water to cool completely and strain it into a jar. Keep refrigerated.  Take a tablespoon or two a day as a matter of regular health maintenance. In the case of sore muscles, stiff joints or a severe bruise, you can increase the dose to as much as ¼ cup a day.

While I haven’t seen documentation, there is reason to believe that using colloidal calcium as a mouthwash could recalcify teeth to some extent.

Absorption is the key here. A small amount of minerals that are found in a natural liquid form like in well or spring water, are far better than a large amount of synthetic minerals in tablet form. Most tablets are only absorbed about 20-30% and the amount that is absorbed struggles to get into your blood cells. By taking ‘suspended’ calcium from the egg shells in water, your body has the ability to absorb and utilize it.  Calcium is a critical component of healthy bones, joints, teeth, hair and nails.

Ever wonder why you can beat egg whites into a froth for meringue and at the same time when you boil an egg the white becomes a more rubbery consistency? The answer is simple, you have altered the structure of the amino acids in different ways – beating and heating. The less you “process” an egg, the more beneficial the amino acids are.

Author Bio

Pam and her husband have fancied themselves homesteaders for over three decades with experience in raising livestock, gardening, food preservation, using long term food storage and living off-grid. They own Mayflower Trading Company with the motto: “A pilgrimage to Resource Efficiency”. The mission being: “To help others with products and/or advise in their own pilgrimage to self-sufficiency”. You can visit them at


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