<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2I7_Ik7_WI”>Image Credit</a>

DIY Solar Powered 12-volt DC Box Fan for Under $50

Definitely worth the effort for SHTF if you can manage to get enough solar power to run it all day long. Stick around to the end (at about the 9:00 mark) to see how he adds a variable speed switch to reduce the fan speed and save precious battery power…


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5 responses to “DIY Solar Powered 12-volt DC Box Fan for Under $50”

  1. The lid will be a universal van lid, but the fan inside will be 12 volt. EASIER to control, will most likely last longer and be better!

  2. I’ve been scouring Amazon for 12 volt fans. Instead of buying EXPENSIVE 12 volt vent fans for my old fiver, I’m gonna build my own using your design. The lid will be a universal van lid, but the fan inside will be 12 volt. EASIER to control, will most likely last longer and be better. GOD BLESS YOU for your designs! The evaporative cooler I built last spring using your design is STILL working, and my neighbor wants one for her bedroom! You, Sir, are a genius!

  3. It is the best thing for any emergencies, they are working very low voltage I will purchase a solar panel and solar fan because it is very creative.

  4. Do you want to install and install DIY solar panels? Our list describes the safety risks that may arise and the damage they can cause. Some of the advantages of our electricity grid have always been short-lived. We are very simple over the years.

  5. Yes, this is great invention and I am using this solar system in my home since 2017 and it is outstanding. Now there are so many product launched which work with solar plants power. It really works perfectly 🙂

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