DIY Washing Machine Water Wheel Generator

If only I had half of the know-how some of these folks have, nobody would ever see me again, lol. Plus, it never hurts to have a nice stream of continuously running water coupled with a lengthy incline to make a DIY power generator like this one either. Also, in the video he talks about rewiring the stator which can be seen in the video below this one, if interested. Here’s the main concept…

Rewiring the stator (it’s a tedious process):


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One response to “DIY Washing Machine Water Wheel Generator”

  1. Peter

    I am curious as to the rpm of pelton wheel? Or rather, how fast do you need to spin the rotor to generate 120v @60hz? Or a battery bank inverter setup. What does your schematic look like? Thank you for posting this. May we all create a better world.

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