How to Bolster Your Food Storage

In recent months I’ve become enamored and, dare I say, completely sold on the idea of freeze dried-foods not only in my food storage but also in our daily lives, specifically foods from THRIVE Life. I’m so happy with them, in fact, that I’ve decided to become an independent consultant.

The good news is that not only can I help myself to bolster our food storage with truly healthy and nutritious foods but I can help you do the same. 🙂 When incorporated into your daily meals, you’ll find meals are much easier and faster to make and quite possibly healthier too.

To fully understand where I’m coming from regarding freeze dried foods and Thrive Life, in particular, take the time to read my article titled What is Freeze Dried Food? Why You Should Add it to YOUR Life… it will likely open your eyes to the wonders of freeze dried foods. When done with that, let’s tackle bolstering your food storage…

Bolstering Your Food Storage

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t the best at making regular purchases to boost our food storage, in particular. I often only purchased such foods when I felt I could or when it’s been long enough that I couldn’t remember the last time I did so. 😉

And since we’ve had to be uber-frugal of late, everything has virtually stopped. That had to change with our food storage.

Worse, I often ONLY focused on foods that stored well for the long term anyway such as wheat, rice, beans, and oats. Sadly, these foods amount to little more than grovel when it comes down to it. Yeah, they may keep you alive but my recent experience with a very restrictive diet just drove home how important it is to have a wide variety of foods in your food storage.

The Most Important, Yet Missing Foods

What was truly missing from our food storage were the nutritious foods that we consumed each and every day, including fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy. Sadly, these foods don’t last long without being processed in some manner. Regardless of being dehydrated, canned, or any other method you can name, these foods won’t last long… maybe a few years at most. That’s just NOT enough when it comes to honestly securing the most critical nutritional needs in your long term food storage.

The great news is that THRIVE foods are often good for up to 25 years! Try that will dehydrated or canned foods. And as much of a fan of dehydrating as I am, I might just sell my dehydrator now… wanna buy one? 😉

Now, with THRIVE’s Home Store (aka., “the Q”) program, I can ensure we get monthly shipments of these high quality and nutritious foods without expecting me to do it at some point in the future which, to be honest, didn’t happen very often. Plus I can put some of these foods back into our food storage reserves for long term emergencies while still using them in our daily meals to make our lives easier. It’s really a win-win for us and I suspect it will be for you as well.

Nutritional Deficiencies of Traditional Long-Term Storage Foods

Remember that the traditional long term storage foods, including wheat, rice, beans, oats, and more will only do so much for you. They simply do NOT include most of the nutrients–vitamins and minerals–that we NEED to stay healthy. Sure, long term storage foods include the calories but NOT the nutrients.

For example, wheat doesn’t have any of Vitamins A, B, C or D. Neither does white rice, among other nutrients. In fact, white rice doesn’t have much of anything of nutritional value besides calories. Oats have minor amounts of B vitamins but little else. Beans usually don’t include much in the way of vitamins either but that depends on the beans and vitamin we’re discussing.

So, where ARE you going to get the vitamins you need? Realize that there are plenty of vitamins to consider besides those mentioned above. You won’t last long without all the things your body needs. In fact, take a few minutes and read this Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms and Benefits Guide regarding the major vitamins. If you pay particular attention to “Vitamin Food Sources” section you won’t notice too many references to wheat, rice, beans, or oats. There’s a reason for that!

The truly nutritional foods, sadly, are what we’ve been missing for years… and it’s been all my fault. Please don’t do this to your family!

Though I don’t necessarily recommend doing so you could conceivable ONLY purchase these foods for your long term food storage, but once you realize how useful and easy they are to use you may choose to add them to your daily meals like we have.

Why THRIVE Life Foods?

I looked long and hard for something that I could truly get behind and, long story short, the answer virtually “fell into my lap” when I met the people who got me involved in THRIVE, Bob and his wife, a while back and since then I’ve been truly happy with my decision to incorporate THRIVE Life foods into our lives.

If you’re unaware, THRIVE Life offers a wide range of super-tasty and remarkably healthy foods as well as plenty of gluten-free options too. It’s probably the healthiest line of freeze-dried foods out there, in my humble–and biased–opinion.

As if that weren’t enough, THRIVE offers interesting ways to add to your food storage, including even Express packages for bug out bags or camping. In fact, what I propose is a nearly perfect way to not only bolster your food storage for SHTF but also to make your life easier day-to-day where meal planning is concerned.

I can honestly say I was shocked at how much faster and easier mealtime can be these days.

How to Get the BEST Deals on THRIVE Foods?

The thing with THRIVE Life is that if you navigate directly to their main website to purchase freeze-dried food and meals you’re NOT going to get the best price. You actually have to purchase through an independent consultant like me to get the BEST prices.

Better yet, it’s only independent consultants like me who can offer you the best deals on their foods through Home Store (aka. “the Q”) purchases! This includes monthly specials, “Q-pon” offers, and–perhaps the most important reason–their Unadvertised Specials which often include DEEPLY discounted prices on grouped packages like meats, vegetables, fruits, and more.

They’re often great deals!

And I want to share them with you but I’m actually not supposed to post their Unadvertised Specials on a public forum such as my website due to contractual obligations by THRIVE Life.

But all is not lost…

There are actually three easy ways you can get notified about such deals and more from me and THRIVE Life, specifically via my new monthly newsletter (hosted by our sister site, and other methods:

Option #1: Subscribe to (and signup for newsletter)

First, and quite honestly the BEST way to get added to the newsletter is to go to our sister site,, and signup for a free membership with the added benefit of getting seven awesome survival reports in the process. You do NEED to look for the newsletter subscription confirmation email in your inbox (even the dreaded spam folder) after subscribing and be sure to click the “confirm” button inside the email otherwise you won’t be added to the newsletter, which totally defeats the purpose.

Option #2: Signup for Newsletter Alone

Second, you can simply choose to use the following form to subscribe to our monthly newsletter if, for some odd reason, you don’t want loads of free reports (remember that you’ll still need to confirm your email newsletter subscription as noted above) but I still like to give valuable information away so I’m STILL giving YOU free stuff just for subscribing to my newsletter…

Choose to Subscribe to Our Monthly Newsletter on Using THRIVE Life Foods to Maximize Your Health, Make Meals Faster, Get Better Prepared, and be Alerted to awesome $$ savings each month with “Q-Pons” as well as unadvertised specials + receive 5 FREE gifts from me to YOU, including:

  1. 101 Food Storage Recipes You’ll Actually Use!
  2. Meals in a Jar Recipes (dozens of recipes)
  3. How to Setup Your Home Store in 5 Minutes or Less!
  4. THRIVE Quick Reference Equivalencies Chart
  5. THRIVE Servings and Shelf Life Chart

Easily Subscribe to Our Monthly Thrive Life Newsletter Here…

PLEASE BE AWARE: This newsletter is hosted by out sister site,, but realize that it’s still ME!

Option #3: Become a Customer 🙂

Perhaps the BEST option, of course, is to become a customer AND start a THRIVE Life Home Store which is relatively easy to setup:

  • Visit my consultant site;
  • Look for the tab that says “THE Q” on it, hover over that and select the appropriate option (most likely “Main Website”);
  • Click the green “Get Started” button;
  • On the “Set up Your Account” page that shows next, I would recommend opting for #10 cans under the Preferred Package Sizing… it’s what we do and a better price;
  • After completing the few setup questions follow the instructions provided.

I think we setup our THRIVE Life Home Store in about 10-15 minutes. If you’d like a more thorough explanation of setting up a Home Store, I show you how to do so as one of the free reports when you subscribe to the monthly newsletter and to do so even faster!

That’s it. You’re now a huge step closer to bolstering your food storage and making a much better choice in the foods you and your family eat!

Easily Subscribe to Our Monthly Thrive Life Newsletter Here…

PLEASE BE AWARE: This newsletter is hosted by out sister site,, but realize that it’s still ME!

Learn More About Thrive Life and Freeze Dried Foods…


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My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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