How to Filter and Purify Rainwater

I’d hate to be forced to rely on rainwater alone, but if I must then a quality filtration system is crucial. If you want to copy the design discussed in the video below, please see the video description for links, but be aware that some of the products referenced are no longer for sale because this is an older video. Also know that you will easily spend several hundred dollars or more if you want to replicate what’s shown.

A far less complex solution is to use a gravity water filter. The problem is that it takes significant effort to keep up with filling and draining water all the time, and since we’re accustomed to doing nothing to keep our water clean–because it’s already been done for us–a system like this might be just the thing for long-term rainwater harvesting when times get tough…


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One response to “How to Filter and Purify Rainwater”

  1. Jimmy

    I thought the rainwater purification system was well constructed & soundly mechanical. My only thought was with respect to the final section of the unit, the UV light used for killing bacteria. Since it operates off of regular house current, if the grid goes down, your last and important segment will be non-functional. I would suggest some type of 12 volt UV lamp or using a 12 v./110 v. power source. I know this would add to the cost but with all of the effort & expense, your 110 v.
    UV light is the “Achilles Heel” of your whole system. Just a thought. Or, maybe substitute an activated carbon filtration final segment with a 275 gal. holding tank for all of the treated water. As much as I hate to say it, the tank could be a location for adding a very small amount of bleach.

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