How to Survive the Coming Collapse

About a month ago, I had an epiphany: I needed to write about the coming collapse of America. It’s not something I wanted to do, but considering the state of our country I felt I had to say something. Rather than getting political, I choose to discuss it from a prepping perspective, and, so, I wrote a book about it titled Crisis Preparedness Guide: How to Survive the Coming Collapse.

Regrettably, I firmly believe we’re headed for a collapse of epic proportions because we continue to kick the can down the road so to speak. When will we truly collapse? I don’t know, but as with anything related to survivalism, if you haven’t chosen to prepare yourself BEFORE it happens then you’re going to be in serious trouble. On a positive note, I can’t think of another disaster scenario where you and I have a real opportunity to prepare ourselves for something we know is coming before it happens. You just have to do it.

Of course, there are many ways to go about preparing for collapse. No doubt, some folks will choose to prepare by buying as many Bitcoins as they can or by purchasing gold and silver, both of which should be a part of the plan, but considering just how dependent our society has become on others for food, electricity, water, and more, I’d say we need to focus on those areas more than anything else.

Think of it this way, even if you are able to amass a heaping pile of precious metals and Bitcoin, who’s to say there will be anything to buy? After all, there’s no guarantee that there will be food to purchase at any price! I can say the same about medications, fuel, ammo, as well as the most precious commodity on the planet…toilet paper. In fact, the amount of supplies which could prove useful to you during our collapse can be overwhelming, but I’ve broken it down to the main ones to focus on in the book, a few of which might surprise you.

Personally, I believe that betting my family’s survival on the hopes of there still being supplies to purchase is poor planning. (Even planning to barter is a poor idea which I discuss in the book.) Granted, I know it’s difficult to become completely self-sufficient, but you should do your best to be LESS dependent on others starting now. If that means doing nothing more than growing a small vegetable garden or developing a small-scale solar system to power your refrigerator then great! It’s a start, and that’s what counts.

If you want to be as prepared as possible, then my advice is to build up a homestead and find like-minded people you can rely upon when all hell breaks loose. Yes, it will be difficult, time-consuming, and potentially expensive, but I do absolutely believe that normal people like you and I have no other choice.

So, what’s inside the book? You can read the description if you like; suffice it to say that I discuss:

  • Preparing financially (including Bitcoin and precious metals, but also what you really need to focus on to have an income when SHTF);
  • How to feed yourself (a lot of it’s about homesteading options);
  • What equipment and supplies to focus on (there’s a lot you can purchase, but I try not to make it overwhelming);
  • Seven very specific concerns that simply cannot be ignored if you’re going to have a real shot at surviving the collapse.

There’s more discussed in the book, too, but those are the big ones. I do hope you find my collapse survival guide of interest, but whatever you do, now is the time to make it happen. I’m not saying you need to liquidate your accounts or sell the shirt off your back, but you really should be reconsidering what you spend money on if you’re not also focusing on your long-term preparedness.

Take the time now to formulate a plan and put it into action because once Americans realize we’ve collapsed, it will be too late to do anything positive about it.


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


3 responses to “How to Survive the Coming Collapse”

  1. Irish-7

    Good luck with the book! Of course, God Bless & Protect You if SHTF!

  2. Thomas Griswold

    I bought the Kindle version. Is there a printed edition that I can buy for my sons?

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