How to Move About Post-SHTF Virtually Untouched: Make Yourself Look Diseased!


I was surfing Pinterest the other day came across this photo (you see lots of this type of stuff because Halloween is coming up) and I immediately remembered a comment somebody made a while back about purposely including a makeup kit in order to make himself look sickly in a post-shtf world. I thought it was an interesting idea but never bothered to do anything about it.

Then I saw the photo and read how they did this: “…cut out a few circles from bubble wrap. Stick double sided tape to the back of them. Stick ’em to your hands and face. Use a bit of face paint or makeup to make them pus coloured and finally a little red lipstick blended around the edges to create inflamed skin.”

Granted, the idea was for Halloween and I can’t imagine it would pass any real scrutiny but if you can make it look passable at a distance then it might be worth a shot. Add in a pale facial appearance, a nice hacking cough, and plenty of dirt and you might get away with it. Of course, I don’t have any creative skills whatsoever so my warts would probably look obviously wrong.

Anyway, the thought was that you don’t just want to make yourself look like you’re sick, you want to make yourself look like you have a nasty communicable disease and that’s why I thought some nice puss-filled boils like this is just perfect. I can’t think of much else that people wouldn’t want to touch and, therefore, would be more likely to leave you alone. So, what do you think? Useful idea or a complete waste of time?


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


12 responses to “How to Move About Post-SHTF Virtually Untouched: Make Yourself Look Diseased!”

  1. With all the hype about zombie apocalypse this is a real sure fire way to geyt yourself brain drained by some idiot out there with a gun. This article had to be truly written by a government shill masquerading as a prepper. Do this knowing full well you will escape the eotwawki but only because you will be DEAD

    1. Well, it wasn’t written by a “government shill” not at all. It was an attempt to think outside the box. Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. T.Butler

    was going to say this can have a reverse effect line of thinking in the sense the Powers that be might think hummm Lets just kill them anyway to prevent the Spread of this ” Diseease “

    1. Not something I had thought about definitely something to consider!

  3. Nancy

    I think this is positively brilliant. It also makes me also think that poison oak and ivy actually have a purpose once SHTF. After reading this, I am considering growing it around the perimeter of my property.

    1. I had a poison ivy rash once… it was horrible! Of course, I didn’t know what it looked like then but I sure do now. 😉

  4. RangerRick

    Having worked disasters for 40 years , it looks real to me and I think I would use it at the homestead. Meet people at the gate, tell them your all sick. Marksman in the bush to insure ones safety.

    Zombie preppers, may think that one thru. All these folks coming off the head meds,that is what we ( Red Cross , FEMA, Homeland Security) feel will be an major issue and there will be 100s of thousands of these folks all jacked up and no way to calm them down.

    Been there and seen that,

  5. kdonat

    Reminded me of the scene in the “Great Train Robbery” where they put a guy made up to look dead in a coffin with a stinky dead cat. When the coffin was opened for “inspection” by security, they got a whif of dead cat and the view of a “dead” person. It was a ruse to get the robber into the baggage car where the treasure was being transported and it worked.

    May be useful if you were having to smuggle someone into a location as ruse for “medical aid”, or “burial/disposal” but for the purpose of some other end result (ie. observation/cover/mayhem/appropriation of goods).

  6. I enjoy your post and your insight and try to stay away from the “Zombie” preppers

  7. Going a little to far. Someone might just shoot you because your infected.

    1. Ok, maybe it was a bit too much… it was just a thought, after all. 😉

      1. JAS

        Or, FEMA come in and force you into a quarantine camp.

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