• 6 Ways Long Term Preps Give You Options Sheeple Never Have

    6 Ways Long Term Preps Give You Options Sheeple Never Have

    When I first got “into” prepping several years ago now (if not longer) I saw it merely as a way to keep from being totally screwed in the short term until things got back to normal. You know, I’d have flashlights and lanterns if the lights go out, food in then pantry in case we couldn’t get…

  • Guest Post: Stay Prepped and Debt Free

    Guest Post: Stay Prepped and Debt Free

    Although we see things for what they are, preppers aren’t immune to many of the problems that regular Americans find themselves in. Even though we seem to be coming out of the great recession, too many of us are still suffering from large amounts of debt. And the problem keeps growing. Among these numbers are…

  • How to Make 3000+ Calorie DIY Survival Food Ration Bars (per batch)

    How to Make 3000+ Calorie DIY Survival Food Ration Bars (per batch)

    Have you ever had those Datrex or Mainstay Emergency food ration bars? If so, you may have realized that they aren’t the best of survival rations for taste but they will keep you alive. Nuff said. And hard tack? Yikes! You may as well be eating a brick. 😉 Well, I came across this article a while…

  • Camping Trip Packing List

    Camping Trip Packing List

    Do you enjoy going camping but find that you don’t quite go often enough to remember everything you need and, without fail, you forget a handful of useful items? I know I have that very problem. If you can say the same then this camping trip packing list is for you! DOWNLOAD FILE: Choose to download the…

  • 10 Ways to Use Less of Stuff We Use Everyday: Frugal Fridays

    10 Ways to Use Less of Stuff We Use Everyday: Frugal Fridays

    Since we’re still uber broke I’ve been trying to do what I can to save money. While I’ve learned to try and use less of our utilities, use less paper goods, less plastic goods, there’s still more that can be done and a part of that means using less of those things that we know we have…

  • How to Make an Improved Water Bottle Survival Kit

    How to Make an Improved Water Bottle Survival Kit

    I had fun making the water bottle survival kit a few weeks back and I thought I would try one more time. This time I choose to use an old Sawyer Water Filter bottle (here’s a link to the newer version) such as this one 0n the left (as compared to the 16-ounce bottle from…

  • How to Setup Your Sun Oven for the First Time: Stove Sundays

    How to Setup Your Sun Oven for the First Time: Stove Sundays

    I’ve had a Global Sun Oven for years now and really enjoyed using it but, sadly, haven’t done so in about a year. (FYI: There’s a newer version, the All American Sun Oven, that seems to be a better design and less expensive if interested.) Anyway, while visiting my in-laws I noticed they’ve yet to…

  • 16,800+ Home Fires Preventable With This One Tip: Safety Saturdays

    Since we’ve been visiting my in-laws this month I’m generally the handyman that gets to fix all the little things around their house even though I’m not really that handy. As such, my mother-in-law mentioned that the dryer was taking much longer to finish drying than it should and the first thing that popped into…

  • 8 EASY Ways to Save Money on Your Cooling Bill Without Breaking the Bank: Frugal Fridays

    8 EASY Ways to Save Money on Your Cooling Bill Without Breaking the Bank: Frugal Fridays

    We’ve never lived in a place where you didn’t need a heater in the winter and air conditioning in the summer… until our recent move to the Seattle area. Here, homes don’t have centralized air conditioning because they say you don’t need it. While that may be true, we’ve noticed the interior of our home can…