• Got Gloves? 5 Must-Have Gloves NOT to do Without!

    Got Gloves? 5 Must-Have Gloves NOT to do Without!

    I truly feel that a wide assortment of gloves are a very necessary prep to include for your at-home supplies as well as in your bug out bags, get home bags (if you have one), and vehicle kits. Not only do gloves protect your hands from simple things like callouses but from very bad things…

  • 4 Inherent Problems of Prepping With Very Young Children

    4 Inherent Problems of Prepping With Very Young Children

    To be clear, when I say very young children I’m thinking about children that are toddlers are younger, let’s say three years of age or less. I should also state that my children are getting older (almost 8 and 11 now… and going on 15 and 18 in attitude) and so I haven’t really had to consider…

  • Gathering Your Hygiene Preps – Another Easy Prepping Action You Can Take

    Gathering Your Hygiene Preps – Another Easy Prepping Action You Can Take

    Last week I discussed an easy prepping action you can take with regards to gathering your cleaning supplies. Today, you can do the same with your personal hygiene supplies, here’s what I suggest: Soaps of all kinds (bar soap, liquid hand soap, and hand sanitizer) – Soaps are a critical aspect of keeping yourself clean and healthy.…

  • Could You Survive 7 Years of Drought and Famine? If Not, Seriously Re-Think Your Plans

    Could You Survive 7 Years of Drought and Famine? If Not, Seriously Re-Think Your Plans

    As often happens to me, I’m surfing the web for who knows what and wind up on another survival blog, this time PrepaerdnessPro.com and began reading Kellene Bishop’s article on A Seven Year Famine. I remember having read the article which was originally published about a year ago when we were having a very significant…

  • Trying My Hand at the Homemade Air Conditioner DIY – The “5 Gallon Bucket” Air Cooler

    Trying My Hand at the Homemade Air Conditioner DIY – The “5 Gallon Bucket” Air Cooler

    I was fairly impressed with the Homemade Air Conditioner DIY – The “5 Gallon Bucket” Air Cooler video that I posted a week or so ago. And, while I understand there are certainly better used for precious resources such as ice and my backup power supply, I thought it would still be a fun DIY…

  • Three Inexpensive But Essential Storage Tools

    Three Inexpensive But Essential Storage Tools

    Please note: This article is written by ‘Above Average Joe’ and was originally seen on SurvivalLife.com. In one of my past jobs, I worked in a warehouse that created and shipped dozens of different products. I even got the chance to help develop several of these. It was a fun job while it lasted, but…

  • The Bug Out Dilemma for Those With Troubled Bowels

    The Bug Out Dilemma for Those With Troubled Bowels

    For most people I would assume this isn’t a huge concern–though it could turn into one for even the most “regular” among us–for others, however, it could be a big deal. I’m talking about making a huge switch in one’s diet for days on end while bugging out. Typically, the advice to anyone while bugging out…

  • The Razor Scooter – Alternative Transportation Genius?

    The Razor Scooter – Alternative Transportation Genius?

    The other day I was looking at my kid’s Razor Scooter that sits idle in the garage–where it has been for many months now–and wondered if it could be re-purposed to further my overall preparedness. It was, after all, one of those toys that my child just HAD TO HAVE, DAD! So, we bought it for…

  • NUUN Hydration Fizzy Tabs Review by T.R., EAL

    NUUN Hydration Fizzy Tabs Review by T.R., EAL

    Hi peeps, Today I would like to show you a product that in my opinion works very well, and should be in every BOB and preppers inventory. I’m talking about the NUUN Hydration fizzy tablets. I first found these in the local grocery store chain, in the vitamin section, you can also find them at…