• Freeze-Dried Meatloaf, Potatoes and Carrots

    Freeze-Dried Meatloaf, Potatoes and Carrots

    I can already tell I’m having a hard time with feeling like I should always be freeze-drying something new to keep this interesting for the both of us. But I also realize that can’t happen forever, so I’ve decided that I’ll just freeze-dry whatever it is I want and then post when I feel like…

  • How to Start a Small Farm With Regenerative Agriculture

    How to Start a Small Farm With Regenerative Agriculture

    Few people might consider their food’s origin or production while shopping for groceries. Agriculture’s environmental impact is often the last thing that comes to mind. Yet, conventional farming is just as detrimental to the planet as it is to humans. Current agricultural practices are highly unsustainable, driving biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, water and soil pollution…

  • The 14 Most Versatile Survival Crops to Grow

    The 14 Most Versatile Survival Crops to Grow

    Self-sustainability is something humans have worked to achieve for centuries. Growing crops is a way for people to provide for their families and communities. You only have so much time and land to grow plants, so how can you achieve the same sustainability as your ancestors? Consider cultivating these 14 best crops for survival. These…

  • J, K, L, P-shaped Rocket Stoves

    J, K, L, P-shaped Rocket Stoves

    I’d never much considered the shape of a rocket stove. I’d always figured that the traditional L-shaped design was good enough, but this P-shaped design, built from strong steel, looks to be real winner if you don’t mind spending a bit of money on the parts. No matter the design, rocket stoves are very efficient!…

  • Disaster Preparedness for a Multigenerational Household

    Disaster Preparedness for a Multigenerational Household

    As disasters like wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more seem to be happening more often, families must take extra precautions to prepare. However, emergency preparedness for a family of four will likely look much different than prep with a multigenerational household. Multigenerational living has become increasingly popular in recent years due to rising costs, with 59.7…

  • The Complete Guide to Door Fortification

    The Complete Guide to Door Fortification

    Doorways are the most vulnerable parts of the house. They are likely entry points for menaces of all kinds — burglars, animals, pests, water — the list goes on. You might think your doors are secure, but chances are good that you’re missing some key security features. Here’s how to address all external threats and…

  • Freeze-Dried Grapes: My First Real Failure

    Freeze-Dried Grapes: My First Real Failure

    While we were at Costco buying groceries and Reese’s peanut butter cups, I decided some freeze-dried grapes would be nice, so I picked up two three-pound containers: As with every other fruit I’ve chosen to freeze-dry, preparation continues to be the most time consuming aspect since I had to slice every grape in half as…

  • DIY Terra Cota Pot Emergency Heater Variant

    DIY Terra Cota Pot Emergency Heater Variant

    Get yourself a terra cotta pot, 90 degree HVAC duct, small glass jar, birthday candles, and vegetable shortening and you can make a DIY emergency heater with relative ease. Not sure why she made two heaters for this test, but the idea clearly works. I read a few comments for the video, and one person…

  • 15 Winter Camping Tips

    15 Winter Camping Tips

    There’s nothing like the solitude and tranquillity of camping on a cold, snowy evening. With most animals and other people holed up for the winter, you likely have the whole frozen landscape to yourself, which can make for a truly unforgettable trip. Still, camping in low temperatures can be a challenge — there’s nothing like…