• How Ancient Hunting Strategies Enhance Modern Survival

    How Ancient Hunting Strategies Enhance Modern Survival

    The well-known archetypal image of an ancient hunter, clad in animal pelts and wielding a rudimentary hand-crafted spear, might seem worlds apart from a modern individual braving the wilds. The finest advancements in technology inform modern survival techniques and strategies, whether that’s GPS navigation or tracking tools. Yet, these two worlds aren’t so different beneath…

  • The Copper Forever Candle Heater

    The Copper Forever Candle Heater

    It’s so cold outside that I can’t think about anything besides staying inside where it’s warm, lol. But even the indoors can become frigid and dangerous given a long enough outage. Consider a copper “forever” candle heater build as shown in the video below. All you need is a used mason jar with a lid,…

  • How Long Does FEMA Recommend You Be Prepared Now?

    How Long Does FEMA Recommend You Be Prepared Now?

    I read another article (can’t remember where now) that talked about being prepared for three days. I cringed. As we all know, three days is an insufficient amount of time to be prepared post-disaster. I got to wondering just where that advice came from. So, I asked our AI overlords: Where does FEMA’s 3 day…

  • What Would the L.A. Wildfires Be Like During SHTF?

    What Would the L.A. Wildfires Be Like During SHTF?

    The L.A. / Palisades wildfires got me to thinking recently, as such things do, about how this scenario might have played out differently if this were after a SHTF event … a time where normal services might be suspended or unavailable either regionally or nationwide. And while most of us would be preoccupied with two-legged…

  • Most Efficient Heating Method for Blackouts

    Most Efficient Heating Method for Blackouts

    You might be surprised that a simple electric blanket is perhaps the most efficient way to keep warm when the power goes out. Granted, you’ll need a way to run it, which is one more reason why you want a small off-grid system like a solar generator or power inverter. But of all the ways…

  • 9 Best Deterrents to Enhance Your Home Security

    9 Best Deterrents to Enhance Your Home Security

    You want to prepare for any eventuality, which means being responsible for your home security. Proactively protecting your home is the only way to be confident about your safety. Secure Your Home’s Entry Points Burglars usually try your front door before moving to other potential entry points. So, don’t believe you’re safe if you’ve got…

  • How Many Will Be At Your Doorstep When SHTF?

    How Many Will Be At Your Doorstep When SHTF?

    With the holidays behind us, I couldn’t help but wonder just how many of these same people will be back at my doorstep one day, hat in hand. Everyone in my life, including family, friends, and probably my neighbors know that I’m a prepper … and that’s my fault. If I could do things over…

  • LA Wildfires (from a prepper’s perspective)

    LA Wildfires (from a prepper’s perspective)

    I’d imagine by now you’ve heard about the wildfires near Los Angeles. Here’s one of many videos from two days ago about them, though I’m sure you can find more recent videos today: Of course, there are many theories as to what’s happening, why it happened, who might be to blame, and so on. My…

  • Things I’ll Definitely Stop Doing When SHTF

    Things I’ll Definitely Stop Doing When SHTF

    I don’t think people realize just how easy we have life. It’s only when something stops functioning that we get a small taste of it. For example, last month, we had a sewage pump in our basement stop working for a few days right before the holidays. It was a minor inconvenience, all things considered,…