• 17 Survival Items You Should Have in Your Garage

    17 Survival Items You Should Have in Your Garage

    If you have an attached garage on your house, you probably use it for one of three things — parking your car, working on your hobby, or storing the junk that won’t fit in the rest of your house but that you just can’t bear to part with yet. While these are all viable options…

  • Renewable Energy Solutions for Preppers

    Renewable Energy Solutions for Preppers

    Being a prepper means preparing for any eventuality that could interfere with your day-to-day life, such as when natural disasters or other SHTF scenarios hit. And when things start to go pear-shaped, the first thing to fail is usually the power grid. So much of our everyday lives depend on electricity that without it, something…

  • Can You Tell the Difference Between These Water Filters?

    Take a close look at the water filters below. Can you tell which one is an authentic black Berkey purification filter and which one is the knock-off? Here’s a closer look at the ends where the water comes out. Aside from some discoloration, they’re still pretty similar… Let me flip them around. Perhaps you’ve noticed…

  • 9 Winter Weather SHTF Scenarios and How to Survive Them

    9 Winter Weather SHTF Scenarios and How to Survive Them

    Winter weather is no joke. The beautiful parts of winter sometimes eclipse the scary ones, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for any potential damage that may head your way this season. You should be well aware of these winter SHTF scenarios so you know what to do in case of an emergency. Taking…

  • 10 Tips for Caring for Your Land Over the Winter

    10 Tips for Caring for Your Land Over the Winter

    Whether you’re a doomsday prepper, an off-grid homesteader or a die-hard survivalist, you likely have a fair amount of land on which you grow food or maintain livestock. This way, you don’t have to hunt and forage or rely on grocery stores for food. During the warmer months, this approach might seem simple — idyllic,…

  • Will This Be Our Last Merry Christmas?

    Will This Be Our Last Merry Christmas?

    I hate to be the “bah, humbug” guy, but I’m beginning to wonder if this will be our last truly merry Christmas and holiday season or not. Why? Well, if you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you’d know I firmly believe America is headed for collapse. Sadly, it feels to me like…

  • Vortex Masonry Stove

    Vortex Masonry Stove

    Who doesn’t love DIY builds like this? I sure do! And, although I know there are dozens of makeshift stoves out there, many of which are made from masonry bricks, this one caught my eye because of the unique design. If you’re up for a new challenge this winter, consider building your own vortex stove.…

  • How to Make a Tiny Home Part of Your Bug Out Plan

    How to Make a Tiny Home Part of Your Bug Out Plan

    One of the most challenging parts of forming emergency plans is finding a good place to bug out. After you’ve stockpiled basic supplies, put together a bug-out bag, and started to learn survival skills, finding a safe location where you could take shelter during a large-scale disaster is the next logical step. Some preppers have…

  • Treating Injuries in the Wild

    Treating Injuries in the Wild

    When you’re a survivalist, injuries are imminent. It’s not a matter of “if” you’ll get hurt, it’s a matter of when. But, that’s the whole point of “surviving,” right? When you know how to properly treat an injury, you can keep moving forward and living off the land. Being prepared is important (we’ll cover that…