Things I’ll Definitely Stop Doing When SHTF
I don’t think people realize just how easy we have life. It’s only when something stops functioning that we get a small taste of it. For example, last month, we had a sewage pump in our basement stop working for a few days right before the holidays. It was a minor inconvenience, all things considered,…
How to Survive and Thrive a Period of Nonstop Rainfall
To say the world’s weather has gotten a little unpredictable is an understatement. Because of this, preparing for all types of conditions is crucial. Surviving a period of extended rainfall or flooding can be a huge challenge when you’re ill-equipped, but with the right approach and the appropriate survival systems in place, you’ll do more…
The Essential Survival Gear Checklist: What to Customize for Maximum Efficiency
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s 2023 National Household Survey on Disaster Preparedness made a startling discovery: Less than half of American adults have taken the time to prepare for a disaster scenario. Do you fall into this category? If so, it would be worth taking steps to remedy this immediately. You’ll be glad you did…
20 Common Ailments Post-Disaster (and how to treat them)
Below are twenty ailments that might arise during a disaster scenario where access to hospitals or doctors is limited. The treatment plans focus on basic, feasible interventions using common over-the-counter (OTC) medications, home remedies, and simple first-aid techniques. [WARNING: This information is not a substitute for professional medical care but may provide guidance when no…
When Home Canned Foods Go Bad
I feel like I spend so much energy on showing you how to do things right that to sometimes forget to show when things go wrong. Clearly, it’s crucial to share that knowledge and experience so that others, like you, know what to watch out for. Thus, I’m sharing the following video on a problem…
Merry Christmas
I wanted to take a moment to wish you all well. I do hope you’re able to spend some time with family, take a break from work or whatever keeps you busy, and that you’re looking forward to the coming New Year. Like everyone else, I don’t know what to expect, and I don’t presume…
Dish Sponge Alternative?
We’ve used the ubiquitous dish sponge for as long as I can remember. I’ve never considered anything else because I’m wired to just keep doing the same thing forever until something happens that forces me to reconsider. This is probably a fatal flaw of mine, but I’m doing my best to grow and learn as…
SOTO Field Hopper Table (for backpacking, hiking, bug out)
I don’t know about you, but it sure would be nice to have a table when I’m out hiking or camping. The problem is that nobody wants to carry around yet one more items when bag space is limited. Consider this SOTO Field Hopper table or, if you want a lesser expensive option, this Mini…
20 Common Ailments Requiring Antibiotics
Below is a list of 20 common outpatient bacterial infections that frequently require antibiotic treatment. They are presented in approximate order of how often antibiotics are prescribed in an outpatient setting. For each condition, common signs and symptoms, first-line antibiotic choice (with dose and duration), and alternatives (with dose and duration) are provided. Note that…