• 13 Survival Acronyms to Jumpstart Your Preparedness

    13 Survival Acronyms to Jumpstart Your Preparedness

    You can find a more complete list of survival acronyms here, but these are the basics I would focus on to get your preparedness in order right from the start. I know there are plenty more that I could’ve chosen to include here, but if you focus on these you’re going to be tending to…

  • A Prepper’s Guide to Stockpiling Alcohol

    A Prepper’s Guide to Stockpiling Alcohol

    The typical prepper stockpile should include the essentials like food storage, first-aid supplies, and fuel or energy sources – stuff that’ll be hard to find in an end-of-the-world situation. But what about alcohol? While most people might not think of it as a necessity, I would argue that a well-rounded stockpile includes plenty of booze.…

  • DIY Mini Wood Stove for Camping

    DIY Mini Wood Stove for Camping

    I’ll be honest, although this is a really neat little DIY stove, it looks like way too much work to build when I could probably just buy something (see below) that works just as well or even better. In any case, it was still interesting to watch being made, especially with all the neat additions…

  • Tired of Leftovers Yet? Just Wait Until SHTF

    Tired of Leftovers Yet? Just Wait Until SHTF

    You know what question I get that drives me nuts, probably more than any other? It goes something like, “What’s the ONE food I can stockpile for an emergency that doesn’t go bad for years?” Or, perhaps, “What are the ten foods I can have on hand for SHTF that last forever?” Or something like…

  • Home Defense and Security 101

    Home Defense and Security 101

    Discusses what he calls the “4 D’s” of home defense, hardening of doors and windows (all good ideas), landscape options for defense (besides just ducking next to a wall), guard dogs, and plenty more. For the novice homeowner who would like to beef up their defensible space in a suburban environment, this is a good…

  • How to Be Ready for the Most Common Survival Scenarios

    How to Be Ready for the Most Common Survival Scenarios

    In the developed world, food, water and shelter are readily available — for a fee, of course. But what do you do if these necessities vanish? If your only survival skills come from the “Call of Duty” and “Walking Dead” franchises, you might be in for a nasty surprise. What do you need to know,…

  • Choosing a Survival Axe

    Choosing a Survival Axe

    I’ve never been very into axes, but apparently they’re not all created equally. Who knew? As for me, I’d just stick with the fire starting style of axes because I’m not that into bushcrafting, though it is interesting to see the differences explained so well, especially if you have a specific need like he talks…

  • How to Live in an Area Known for Fires

    How to Live in an Area Known for Fires

    Whether your dwelling sits comfortably in California, the deep South, or anywhere else prone to wildfires, you probably know that it’s possible to safely life in a place with frequent fires. While it’s important to stay on your toes and take the necessary precautions to live safely in your area, it doesn’t help to live…

  • How to Use a Flashlight to Signal for Help

    How to Use a Flashlight to Signal for Help

    Imagine this: Your perfect day out in the backcountry was filled with beautiful landscape views, a couple of critter sightings, and a picture-perfect little lunch spot overlooking the valley below. Things were gearing up to be one for the books, but as you start to make your descent down the mountain and to the safety…