• How to Organize Your Emergency Food Storage

    How to Organize Your Emergency Food Storage

    Food is usually one of the first things people think about during an emergency. When a disaster starts to unfold, you’ll often find long lines at the grocery store as people make a frantic effort to stockpile food on short notice. Building a long-term food supply in advance is an easy way to avoid this…

  • How to Minimize Wildfires While Homesteading

    How to Minimize Wildfires While Homesteading

    Wildfires might seem terrifying, especially if you’re in their path. But they’re as natural as the land they burn. Traditionally, lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions can spark wildfires that tear their way across the landscape, burning everything in their path. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. These fires clear away dead plants and underbrush and…

  • Immune Boosting DIY Elderberry Syrup

    Immune Boosting DIY Elderberry Syrup

    Although I didn’t use the specific brand in the video–we purchase ours locally–I made my own elderberry syrup in a very similar fashion for the first time just the other day. It’s really easy to do, just boil the berries in water for 30-45 minutes, strain, add honey, and store in the refrigerator. And, although…

  • Disturbing Trends in Survival Gear

    Disturbing Trends in Survival Gear

    Last night I went looking for a new flashlight to keep at my bedside because the one I’d been using for years now is going on the fritz. So, I went to Amazon and typed in “flashlight” to see what I could find and, to my dismay, more and more options were rechargeable. You know,…

  • More Food Shortages Coming?

    More Food Shortages Coming?

    Just my humble opinion, but I thought the grocery stores and food manufacturers did a great job this year keeping the store shelves stocked with most of our necessities, all things considered. Granted, there were occasionally times when some items were missing from my local grocery stores–fresh eggs, milk, and the like come to mind–but…

  • No Knot Tarp Setup

    No Knot Tarp Setup

    I may never tie a knot again, lol. Gotta love simple DIY tricks like this, especially when they make setup easier…

  • What You Need to Live a Self-Sufficient Life

    What You Need to Live a Self-Sufficient Life

    They say that no man is an island, and in the modern world, we rely on many different resources to maintain our lifestyle. The electricity that powers your devices comes from a collective grid. If you live in a city, your water, sewage and garbage are often all handled by the same company. Massive agricultural…

  • B.O.S.S Fire Starting Kit

    B.O.S.S Fire Starting Kit

    Interesting in a done-for-you fire starting kit? If so, consider the B.O.S.S. Off Grid Tools Survival Fire Starting Kit. Although I have my own fire starting kits, none include everything below which has me to wondering if I should add a few items because there’s so much included in this kit! Personally, I think they…

  • Vehicle Tools and False Floor

    Vehicle Tools and False Floor

    Last weekend we went to Crater Lake in Oregon–the smoke was still bad so we didn’t see much–and as (my) luck would have it, we had a problem with our van since it wouldn’t start one morning because the positive battery cable came loose. I assume it was never correctly tightened down when installed. In…