• Bugging In – 25 Things NOT To Do

    Bugging In – 25 Things NOT To Do

    So we’re all concerned about bugging out these days, and we should be to an extent, but it’s almost always more likely that you’re going to be bugging in first or, at the very least, preferring to bug in. With that in mind, you really do need to keep your safety at the forefront of…

  • Scary Wi-Fi Hacking Electronics!

    Scary Wi-Fi Hacking Electronics!

    Worried about your Wi-Fi getting hacked? No? After watching this you should be. Although I’d known some of these nefarious tools existed, I had no idea how easy they are to purchase (often on Amazon for cheap), use (I could probably figure it out), and worst of all… how quickly they can be employed to…

  • Bug Out Bag Book – $0.99 Kindle Countdown – Limited Time Deal

    Bug Out Bag Book – $0.99 Kindle Countdown – Limited Time Deal

    I realized a few weeks back that I haven’t done a promotion on any of my books in a long time, probably since last year. So, I figured that I my bug out bag book would be a good candidate considering all the craziness going on out there lately, from wildfires to riots and who…

  • DIY Handmade Bricks for Homesteading

    DIY Handmade Bricks for Homesteading

    Ever wonder what you would do if we, as a society, had to start from scratch? More specifically, which crucial structures we take for granted in today’s modern society that may need to be recreated? I do. While there’s a lot to consider, one of the biggest problems we may face could include the ability…

  • 7 Steps to Increase Your SHTF Security

    7 Steps to Increase Your SHTF Security

    Your home is your castle, or so the old saying goes. What did kings use castles for in the days of yore? Although they were fantastic and often garish displays of wealth, their primary role was to create a defensible position to protect inhabitants from a siege. While you might not be defending your home…

  • Cargo Trailer Conversion into Stealth Off-Grid Camper

    Cargo Trailer Conversion into Stealth Off-Grid Camper

    I must be into bug out trailer ideas lately, and this one is even better than the last one. You see, this one is an enclosed cargo trailer that’s been converted into a fully-functional off-grid camper. It’s complete with a convertible couch/bed, mini wood stove, kitchen, plenty of storage, solar power, a neat way to…

  • DIY Off-Road Mini Camper

    DIY Off-Road Mini Camper

    This DIY project is a bit more than I would be willing to tackle, but if you have a knack for such things and some time on your hands I can see how this could become a great bug out trailer idea. What I really like is all of the attention to detail, including spare…

  • 5 Best Off-Grid Water Sources for Preppers

    5 Best Off-Grid Water Sources for Preppers

    When deciding to go off the grid, most homesteaders face two major challenges — power and water. While you can get by without power and the modern creature comforts we’ve become accustomed to, water is a necessity. We can only survive for a few days without a source of clean and drinkable water, but if…

  • Useful Wildfire Tracking Website

    Useful Wildfire Tracking Website

    Over the weekend I found a useful website called InciWeb (Incident Information System) for tracking current wildfires around the country and, sadly, it appears the entire West Coast is burning down: It’s very easy to use. You can easily zoom in seemingly indefinitely which you’ll want to do. Here’s me zooming into my home state…