• Off Grid Solar System Walkthrough

    Off Grid Solar System Walkthrough

    I can only imagine what an off-grid system like this costs but I’m super jealous, that’s for sure! I really like how they have it setup to run on any combination of grid-power, generator, and solar, that’s nice…

  • Looking Back, How Prepared Were You?

    Looking Back, How Prepared Were You?

    Now that it seems some of the coronavirus restrictions are going to be lifted soon, I figured it would be a good time to look back and think about how prepared you and I were for what happened as I suspect this is just round one, but let’s hope and pray we’re done for a…

  • Freeze Dried Foods 7 Years Later

    I’m a huge fan of freeze dried foods because they’re nutritionally superior to canned foods, last as long as dry bulk foods (e.g., rice and beans) if not opened, and usually taste great even many years later. About the only major problem is that they’re expensive to purchase. Go buy a #10 can of chicken…

  • New Bug Out Bag Book Now on Amazon

    Last week I was able to publish the second edition of my bug out bag book, 53 Essential Bug Out Bag Supplies, and I know you’re going to love the updates! Aside from clarifying my thoughts, here’s what’s new: Updated some of the gear and supply recommendations as they were either outdated or expensive; Moved…

  • 8 Easy Tarp Shelters for Survival

    One of the items I recommend in my list of 53 essential bug out bag supplies is a tarp. Coupled with a some quality paracord and a few stakes and you can have a makeshift shelter setup in minutes. Although the following video is about wilderness shelter techniques, you can and should know how to…

  • DIY Mask Better Than N-95?

    DIY Mask Better Than N-95?

    A few weeks ago a nice lady, Donna, sent me an email talking about many things, one of which was making your own DIY masks from HVAC filter material since there’s been a shortage of N-95 masks. I thought that was an interesting idea but, because I already had some N-95 and other masks myself,…

  • Are Backyard Chickens Worth It?

    Are Backyard Chickens Worth It?

    One of these days I’m going to get myself some chickens, if for nothing else than being more prepared for shortages at the grocery store. But, what if you’re only in it for the money? Are you really saving anything by raising your own chickens or would you simply be better off continuing to purchase…

  • My Food Storage Book Made it to the Top 100 on Amazon Kindle This Week!

    My Food Storage Book Made it to the Top 100 on Amazon Kindle This Week!

    I’m simultaneously proud, disappointed, and disheartened that my food storage book has made it to Amazon’s top 100 on Kindle this week. Why? Well, I’m proud because people are beginning to wake up and really take notice of my writing and that, I hope, my books are helping people get better prepared in our time…

  • Still Think You Can Live in a Bunker?

    Still Think You Can Live in a Bunker?

    How long has it been now that we’ve been in official lockdown here in Washington state, maybe two weeks? I think we’ve been trying to stay home for at least three weeks and, if I’m being honest, I’m going stir crazy! My wife stayed home over the weekend and was getting fidgety even though she…