• Is Foaming Hand Soap Better or Worse?

    Is Foaming Hand Soap Better or Worse?

    My wife likes the Method brand hand soap. We’ve used it for years and I’ve always just refilled our hand soap dispensers from a large refill package I can get at Target rather than buying brand new soap dispensers each time. I think it’s more cost-effective considering that this soap is more expensive than generic…

  • How Long Do Canned Foods REALLY Last?

    How Long Do Canned Foods REALLY Last?

    I know most canned foods will last significantly longer than their expiration dates–even several years longer–with tomato based products being an exception. Of course, there is something to be said for how nutritious or tasty those cans of food are going to be years beyond their best by dates, but if you have nothing else…

  • Should You Use an N-95 Mask?

    Should You Use an N-95 Mask?

    If you can even get an N-95 or similar mask, should you bother to wear them? The authorities say they don’t do much good if you’re trying to avoid getting covid-19, others disagree. Personally, I don’t see how it hurts to wear one if you’re in the worrisome demographics, but I’m not a healthcare provider…

  • Is it Possible to be Food Self-Sufficient Living in the UK?

    Is it Possible to be Food Self-Sufficient Living in the UK?

    At the time of writing, the world is in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic; people are panic-buying and all of the long-term food supplies have been stripped from supermarket shelves.  And while the pandemic will almost certainly burn out in the coming months, for many people it is an awakening. Disasters really can happen…

  • Prepper To-Do List Time!

    Prepper To-Do List Time!

    Because I’ve been stuck at home with nowhere to go, I decided to dust off my prepper to-do list this past weekend. Surprisingly, I hadn’t bothered to do anything on my list since fall of last year, which is much longer than normal. No matter. I’m glad I have some time on my hands to…

  • The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Family Farm

    The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Family Farm

    Starting a family farm takes passion and hard work. Before you begin, establish what you hope to gain from this endeavor. Some people want to provide fresh food for their families, some want to engage in the lifestyle that farming offers and others want to build a meaningful business that provides for their livelihood.  In…

  • 7 Toilet Paper Alternatives

    7 Toilet Paper Alternatives

    Lately, YouTube has been recommending me prepping videos on how to find toilet paper in the woods. While this may seem like a viable option but, knowing my luck, I would end up with something that gave me a butt rash for weeks, lol. So, that’s a no-go for me and I’d suspect it’s the…

  • I’m Coming to YOUR House! Not So Fast…

    I’m Coming to YOUR House! Not So Fast…

    Lately, I’ve been a popular person among friends and family since they all know I’m a prepper. Surprisingly, I’ve yet to hear anyone say that they’re “coming to my house” for this coronavirus pandemic, especially since so many have said those very words to me in the past. It used to be that I wouldn’t…

  • Gas Masks and Respirators for Pandemic

    Gas Masks and Respirators for Pandemic

    Think you need a face mask or respirator for the coronavirus? Maybe a full-face gas mask? Good luck trying to get something for a reasonable price right now, but if you insist then there’s more you should know about what type to get, which ones to avoid, how to wear them properly, and whether they’re…