• Got Toilet Paper? Be Prepared to Fight if You Don’t!

    Got Toilet Paper? Be Prepared to Fight if You Don’t!

    The other day, a friend of mine mentioned the following video of people fighting over toilet paper in Australia. Apparently, scenes like these have been going viral on the Internet lately: It’s shocking to me how ridiculous people can get over the possibility of not having their toilet paper, lol. And that’s not all, local…

  • Off Grid Ammo Box DIY Heater Build

    Off Grid Ammo Box DIY Heater Build

    Well this is an interesting idea, transforming an ammo box, mason jar (not necessary), some copper coil, and a few odds and ends into a DIY heater using the principles of thermal siphoning. After some trial and error he got the portable heater to work great! Use it to heat water passively or as a…

  • How to Hunt for Food Year-Round

    How to Hunt for Food Year-Round

    Everyone talks about preparing for the end of the world and what they need to do to survive. They plan to collect food, water and other supplies, but they rarely think about what they’ll need to do to keep themselves and their families fed once the canned foods run out.  Hunting is one way to…

  • 8 Simple and Easy Rocket Stoves

    8 Simple and Easy Rocket Stoves

    I really enjoy making rocket stoves. I’ve made several over the years, from really small stoves using vegetable cans to larger ones using bricks. They’re really fun to make! And, if you’re into survivalism, they can be a life-saver. I would encourage everyone to understand the concept and to try one of the builds from…

  • Body Armor Primer for Preppers

    Body Armor Primer for Preppers

    With the world becoming more violent by the day, body armor has become a vital part of the Survival kit of every prepper. There is a growing necessity for being able to stay safe in the unlikeliest of scenarios, including mass shootings, unexpected riots or terrorist bombings.  Being adequately prepared for urgent situation, where, the…

  • Off the Grid Super Stack Flash Sale – 95% Off, Ends Monday

    Off the Grid Super Stack Flash Sale – 95% Off, Ends Monday

    Last September I posted about the Off the Grid Super Stack and I was proud to be a part of it…with all of the great content added (including my own 12 Pillars of Survival course) preppers were getting an awesome deal with massive savings! Well, that amazing deal is back, but only for a very…

  • STOP Buying Useless Survival Tools!

    STOP Buying Useless Survival Tools!

    One of my biggest frustrations when newbies get into survivalism is their belief that a single tool can “do it all” or, at least, that a multi-functional tool can be as good as a standalone tool. The sad truth is that the vast majority of these so-called multi-functional survival tools are useless, particularly when it…

  • How to Stay Safe During Civil Unrest

    How to Stay Safe During Civil Unrest

    Living in our modern world feels a lot like sitting on top of a powder keg while holding a match. We’re all holding our collective breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop and wondering which fuse will be the one that sets off an explosion of civil unrest.  It could be anything — from…

  • The ShotBlock: Innovative Firearms Safety

    The ShotBlock: Innovative Firearms Safety

    Although the ShotBlock isn’t available for purchase yet, it is something to keep an eye on if you’re interested in increasing your firearms safety. When inserted, the firearm cannot be loaded and shot, and includes a visible indicator that the firearm is secure. Apparently, it will be compatible with .380, 9mm, .40, and 5.56/.223 chambers…