• Top 10 Portable Solar Chargers for Preppers

    Top 10 Portable Solar Chargers for Preppers

    Survivalist’s Guide to Solar Chargers… Going on an adventure is fun. There is something about nature that makes us feel relaxed and fulfilled. However, though the wild is beautiful, it can be unmerciful at times. An accident can strike anytime and if you are unprepared, then expect some severe consequences. Thankfully with communication devices more…

  • Winter Boot Hack (to avoid slips and falls on ice)

    Winter Boot Hack (to avoid slips and falls on ice)

    Winter is coming and that means icy roadways and driveways, both of which could wind you up in the hospital if you’re not careful. Worse, if it’s SHTF and there are NO doctors to help then you could be out of luck for weeks or longer. Don’t let that happen to you! Here’s a nifty…

  • The First-Timer’s Guide to Hunting Deer

    The First-Timer’s Guide to Hunting Deer

    Hunting started as a necessity for humans to support themselves and their families by providing food. Over the years, it has evolved into a favorite pastime and tradition shared between generations. From a food source to a celebrated sport and lifestyle, there’s no shortage of people around the world who love hunting whitetail deer. Whether…

  • 10 Survival Gear Items That Last Forever

    10 Survival Gear Items That Last Forever

    I can’t really argue with any of the following, especially the Leatherman P4 Multitool or the Silky Nata Hatchet (I really need me one of those!) but I was surprised to not see a firearm included. In any case, I completely agree that there are too many companies making useless survival kits which include nearly…

  • Tired of Replacing Your Smoke Alarm Batteries? Do This Instead…

    Tired of Replacing Your Smoke Alarm Batteries? Do This Instead…

    Changing smoke alarm batteries has been a part of my preparedness “ritual” for many years now. And every year, I would purchase more 9-volt batteries because it seems that every alarm I had (except one or two) uses them. But it got to a point where I realized I was spending a good twenty dollars…

  • 10 Creative Ways to Protect Your Own Home

    10 Creative Ways to Protect Your Own Home

    For most of us, protecting our home is common sense. We lock our doors and windows when we leave, set the security alarm and trust that everything we own will be waiting for us when we get back. If there’s a problem, we’re counting on the alarm company to let us and the appropriate authorities…

  • Should You Spend $80 On A Gas Can?

    Should You Spend $80 On A Gas Can?

    Personally, I feel all gas cans are WAY too expensive, especially those cheap plastic CARB-compliant cans we’re required to buy these days… what a ridiculous invention. In any case, you may be looking for a better option, such as a traditional NATO Jerry can made by Wavian, but do you REALLY need to spend 3x…

  • Got Poison Control? (Poison.org)

    Got Poison Control? (Poison.org)

    I was recently listening to a podcast by Radiolab on the Poison Control Center at Poison.org; you can learn more about that particular episode here. In that episode I learned some interesting things, like how many centers there are (55), how many calls they get per year (around 80,000 per call center), and how it…

  • Think Your Padlock is Secure? Think Again…

    Think Your Padlock is Secure? Think Again…

    I know I’ve seen videos before that show how to shim a padlock with a fashioned piece of a soda can, but I’ve never seen anything like THIS! With only a few tools (all of which can apparently be purchased online), you can seemingly pick almost any padlock on the market. Unfortunately, this guy didn’t…